
Hey all! 
          	It's been a hot minute since I've updated Broken Strings but with an insane summer comprised of 2 jobs, 2 softball teams, and moving to a new city, I needed a bit of time to readjust. Now, I'm finding my writing groove again and will be back with a new chapter TOMORROW! 
          	Stay tuned!


@DelaneyBrenna  I am so excited to read more of this story. I'm loving it. 


Super excited. I love your books 


Hope all is well
          Wondering if your still writing broken strings 


Thank you for the update I hope all is well with your puppy 


Hi! @miller_writings Thanks for your message. Long story short, I am still planning on continuing to write Broken Strings and am currently working on the next chapter. 
            I had to take a hiatus from writing on Wattpad as in January 2023, I made the amazing (but super time consuming) decision to get a puppy. I was always someone who wrote in the evenings but having a young dog had totally upended my schedule! Luckily, she’s now 7.5 months and at an age where she can entertain herself for periods of time so I’m able to get back to writing.
            Hoping to get the next chapter out in the next couple of weeks. Updates will likely a bit slow/irregular but I have every intention of finishing the book. Ideally, I would have it finished by winter. As it is currently, we’re about 1/3-1/2 way through.
            Thanks for your interest!


Wow! What a story! I remember watching Peter Pan and the story surrounding Neverland as well as the villain, Captain Hook. I must say that "Hooked" is a captivating retelling and prequel to that story. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! 


Hey all! 
          It's been a hot minute since I've updated Broken Strings but with an insane summer comprised of 2 jobs, 2 softball teams, and moving to a new city, I needed a bit of time to readjust. Now, I'm finding my writing groove again and will be back with a new chapter TOMORROW! 
          Stay tuned!


@DelaneyBrenna  I am so excited to read more of this story. I'm loving it. 


Super excited. I love your books 


I just released chapter 11 of Broken Strings. Head on over to my profile to check it out now!
          And if you're looking for something new with a bit of adventure, try my new novella  "The Golden Arrow" which is a submission for the Open Novella Contest 2022 and is a bxb fairytale reimagining featuring Robin Hood and the Genie from Aladdin. Odd pairing? Decide for yourself. First four chapters are out now!


          A NEW chapter of Broken Strings;
          The re-release of the draft 2015 versions of Out of Tune and The It Boy (both of which have now been entirely rewritten in 2020/2021. The It Boy has also been re-titled 'A Side Effect of Celebrity'); AND
          Removal of Just Ask Andy from my profile as it will soon be undergoing a similar re-writing process as Out of Tune and The It Boy.
          Stay tuned for these exciting updates!


Hey I love all the  stories you have wrote and wanted to re read them all just finished the re-written of Out Of Tune! I really enjoyed it!
          Just a quick question. What would you say the time line of all stories together would be?


Ooooh okay, that makes sense, I’m still gonna reread it because I love the stories! I’ll be sure to read JAA when you’ve rewrote!! 
            Happy new year to you too!! x


@CaseyyLouisee  Thirty-One Letters hasn't been rewritten from the original draft (apologies as I realize my message was TOTALLY not clear!). But it is one of my favourites and was shortlisted for the Wattys 2021 this past year. 
            The one that I'm in the process of rewriting is Just Ask Andy. It has overlapping characters from Thirty-One Letters but I wrote it before I wrote TOL. So when I did TOL, I changed some backstories and timelines to make things more realistic which has altered JAA (hence why I'm rewriting it).
            Happy new year! :)


Oooh I think I’m gonna start on Thirty One letters because I didn’t realise it got rewritten!