A very fun,outgoing person who loves to read books specially  voltage Inc and .... also an entertaining diva chao!!! Wanna know more then follow my happy self!! and be happy too!!!! also I give really great advice so if u have any problem be free to check meeee outttttt

Did I mention I speak Japanese a little and I am an inspirational poet so come lets make this world a better place ♡♡☆☆
  • Дата регистрацииJune 28, 2015

Последнее сообщение
Debbiecharm Debbiecharm Oct 29, 2019 06:05PM
Heyy guys!!! I've been away for soo long, I legit even stopped publishing new parts of my book "Arrogant love" and I'm like so sad about it because when I started writing that book, I had so much to...
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Истории от revolution_changer
Arrogant Love от Debbiecharm
Arrogant Love
When Twins are torn apart by royalty, the battlefield is now cold blooded, Who will win his heart ? Who will...
POETIC  WORLD от Debbiecharm
This is a collection of inspirational poems that changed my life and can change yours only if you give it a t...
Forever Yours от Debbiecharm
Forever Yours
How does it feel to be rich famous popular cool but you still feel deep inside you something is still missing...
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