
Hello everyone. It’s been a while. I’ve decided to restart myself in terms of writing. I’ve taken down all my works and I want to start writing again. But I wanted to say I never left, I just dropped off radar. It’s 2021 and it’s time for a new start. A new way of thinking and writing. Don’t expect anything yet and when I do start, don’t expect regular updates. I’m going at my own pace from here on out. Thank you....


Hello everyone. It’s been a while. I’ve decided to restart myself in terms of writing. I’ve taken down all my works and I want to start writing again. But I wanted to say I never left, I just dropped off radar. It’s 2021 and it’s time for a new start. A new way of thinking and writing. Don’t expect anything yet and when I do start, don’t expect regular updates. I’m going at my own pace from here on out. Thank you....


Oi! Ya looking for gamers, eh? Just take a gander at the Rainbow Six side of Wattpad. You'll find all your gaming needs. We play a hellovva lot more that Rainbow tho


Yep, I actually love Assassins Creed. But Rainbow Six is definitely in my top 10 favorite games to play. I've often done challenges on the game such as using a specific operator for an allotted amount of time and female operator only. Things like that, but sadly I haven't been able to play any games for a while 'cause of my grades. I'm practically dying to get a controller in my hand and go crazy for a few days.


@Fuhrer_Blitz Ah, it seems as if you play more of Assassin's Creed though


Sweet! Although as much as I love the game I'm beyond rusty at the game. Even then I'm a solo player so I'm not that good.