
Sorry I haven't been active lately folks. The creative juices just aren't flowing and I haven't had a lot of reasons to get on here. I love seeing all the notifications that y'all are still enjoying my stuff, though. Love y'all ❤️


Sorry I haven't been active lately folks. The creative juices just aren't flowing and I haven't had a lot of reasons to get on here. I love seeing all the notifications that y'all are still enjoying my stuff, though. Love y'all ❤️


I love the start of “Their Little Bug”, I just hope as I continue to read more, I will see more of your original content straight from you. Mack is an adorable character you made. I figured I would comment as a professional writer to let you know you’re on the right pass, just try to keep with your original content. Overall, great work so far.


@KarenB015// Thank you so much. There are some more original moments, especially later on. It does have a lot of moments from the show since it follows the same events of the show. Thanks again. I appreciate the support!


Nobody talk to me, I got a hug from Beau Arlen this morning


*GASP* Damn, I wanna get hugged by Beau Arlen ;-;  XD