Hiya! I go by Eddie and I'm genderfluid, feel free to ask my pronouns!

I'm a part of many fandoms, including Marvel, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Star Wars and Percy Jackson! If you ever want to chat about theories, headcannons, or just the stories themselves im usually free!

Im a Hufflepuff, Panromantic Asexual who's always down to help and listen. If you want support on your story, I will read through every chapter, vote and comment! I also do f4f cause if you're nice enough to follow me I think we can be friends!

I write my own stories in my original world with my original characters, but I do take prompts for one shots and have been known to use the occasional fanfic trope

Thanks for sticking to the end of this awfully long description, drink some water, eat some food and have a nice day!
  • The Avengers Tower
  • JoinedApril 18, 2021
