
I'm so, so excited to be publishing a revised version of Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys! I'm looking forward to the new and exciting adventures the Killjoys will find themselves on, though the skeleton of the story - of course - will remain the same. Updates should be every 1-2 weeks, depending on chapter length.
          	I cannot wait to read your feedback, as this is something that has brewing in my mind for the past few years.
          	Stay shiny. xo


I'm so, so excited to be publishing a revised version of Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys! I'm looking forward to the new and exciting adventures the Killjoys will find themselves on, though the skeleton of the story - of course - will remain the same. Updates should be every 1-2 weeks, depending on chapter length.
          I cannot wait to read your feedback, as this is something that has brewing in my mind for the past few years.
          Stay shiny. xo


Is there really going to be a sequel to Conventional Weapons?? :D


@Geerard_BlackParade Eventually! I've pushed it back until I revise Danger Days and Conventional Weapons, but life hasn't been as agreeable to my due dates. I hope you understand, and thanks so much for your support! :)


I've somewhat formally decided that, for the time being, I will not make a trilogy to Danger Days. I've been extremely stressed lately and am currently trying to get back into my "writing groove" (Is that a thing?). Plus, I have so many other potential ideas that are working out much better then the trilogy- and I don't want to be that author who drags their stories out either.
          So unless some epiphany comes to me and I find the idea that changes everything, the trilogy idea is scratched. Danger Days and Conventional Weapons will still be revised, though. 
          I'll leave the aftermath to your own imaginations. Thanks so much for the support over the years. See you soon. xx


To my Danger Days readers: Not sure whether or not I like the new cover for DD: TTLOTFK, but it's all in celebration for the upcoming trilogy, which is coming soon! Before I release it, though, I'm making some long-awaited edits to Danger Days and Conventional Weapons (I'm well-aware that Show Pony is a guy! My twelve-year-old self wasn't so fortunate...). 
          Also, thank you so much for 5k reads! Don't hesitate to call me out on any mistakes you see; I'll fix them in the editing. Constructive criticism is always welcome on this front.
          xxx, Bree


It took awhile to write because at times I just couldn't do it, but never fear: CHAPTER TEN OF CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS (The World Is Ugly) IS UP. I reckon it's a bit long (I really don't know at the moment), but I needed to get a lot of points across. There is still an epilogue I need to upload, but that should be coming soon, if not today. 
          I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful day. 
          Bree/Poison Pen