
Hey guys!
          	How's your pandemic going? I really want to know, just for comparison purposes, to make sure I'm not going insane cooped up in my house. 
          	I've been able to write a bit more since I've been home though, so I have a slight advantage there, I suppose. 
          	There's a little one-shot posted on my Patreon page if you'd like to give that a look, available to all tiers. 
          	Stay happy and healthy! Remember that the choices we make now can have lasting effects. 


@Orphylia Sounds about right! I've been catching up on my reading and writing too. I'm usually a homebody, so it's not too terribly difficult, but now that I actually can't it's kind of bothering me. Psychology, right?
          	  Anyway, stay safe and healthy!


Quite well actually, I’m more of an indoor type of person so not going out is mostly my whole life, of course the down side is that I can’t go to my job especially since my job is closely related to school ~ and even if school open again soon my job probably won’t be the priority the school will think of, so right now I’m juste reading tones of books (like usual) my day juste contains more unusual activity I wouldn’t necessarily do, like cleaning  or juste doing puzzle (haven’t done that in a while)!


@SecretWorldOfSin Makes sense. I'm also handling the isolation okay, I think, besides the compulsive organizing that I'm doing. 
          	  Stay safe out there!


Hey guys!
          How's your pandemic going? I really want to know, just for comparison purposes, to make sure I'm not going insane cooped up in my house. 
          I've been able to write a bit more since I've been home though, so I have a slight advantage there, I suppose. 
          There's a little one-shot posted on my Patreon page if you'd like to give that a look, available to all tiers. 
          Stay happy and healthy! Remember that the choices we make now can have lasting effects. 


@Orphylia Sounds about right! I've been catching up on my reading and writing too. I'm usually a homebody, so it's not too terribly difficult, but now that I actually can't it's kind of bothering me. Psychology, right?
            Anyway, stay safe and healthy!


Quite well actually, I’m more of an indoor type of person so not going out is mostly my whole life, of course the down side is that I can’t go to my job especially since my job is closely related to school ~ and even if school open again soon my job probably won’t be the priority the school will think of, so right now I’m juste reading tones of books (like usual) my day juste contains more unusual activity I wouldn’t necessarily do, like cleaning  or juste doing puzzle (haven’t done that in a while)!


@SecretWorldOfSin Makes sense. I'm also handling the isolation okay, I think, besides the compulsive organizing that I'm doing. 
            Stay safe out there!


You can now sign up for my Patreon page where you will be able to view exclusive content, make requests, and help me decide what to write next! 
          I have decided to not feel bad about charging for my work because that's exactly what it is, work. 
          Not to worry though, I will still be publishing free shorts and things!
          Anyway, thanks so much for your love and support!
          ~ Dawn


Are you continuing simply wild? I hope you haven’t given up on your book! You are a gifted writer! 


@ChristinaDeguara I am! I haven't given up, just been working on other projects. Also, some of my content was removed, so I'm working on a site for you guys to read everything that's not allowed here.
            Thanks so much for your support!


Hello all!
          As you may have noticed, my name has changed! That's because I met someone recently with a name too similar to Lillith Black for my comfort. So, I changed it.
          Anyway, the next chapter of Simply Wild should be up soon. (Yes, I'm aware I'm always saying that.)
          Thanks so much!