
I keep getting asked, "Will I do a FNAF story based on Sercuity Breach?"... to which I answer...maybe....but it'll most likely be a one shot. I dunno. I need time to write it first. But... we'll see. 


yo David! it’s me again, FlansShipper
          yeah, it’s been a long time since I talked to you again.
          I’m just here to tell you that I’m making Flowey’s Growing Soul 2! but I changed some things. I will post this upcoming story here on Wattpad. welp, that’s all I wanted to tell you. stay safe, mate


just one- ONE question..
          are you still alive, my good ol’ friend?


@FlansShipper I noticed you found me on twitter. I don't use that as much. Mainly YouTube or Tiktok is my go to for video content.


@FlansShipper yes, I'm still alive  I'm more active on Fanfiction.net, depending if a story does well on that, I'd bring it here.


Are you gonna make a KO and fink part 6? Bond of good and evil?


No worries. I try to reply to as many people as I can.


@DavidBillows thank you for the reply


@Mehman83 I will at some point, just don't know when.


Hello, David. it’s me, Flansshipper. if you remember that I promised (not really but yeah) that I’m going to continue the cancellation of the other Flowey x Sans story, I will not do that. I’m sorry, I’m so lazy. but may I ask permission to make a movie of the first one? I will be using gacha club for that. so, can I please make a movie of it? I will give you credit.


To confirm, yes that's me that commented on YouTube. Don't be scared  


@FlansShipper you're welcome. Good luck.


Hi can I ask you something 


@PlayerDemon762 Can do. Can't chat for long as I'm at work and want to take advantage to write some more.


Okay and if your interested, do you want to private chat with me? 


Hi, I thank you so much for the follow and I will soon release another Chapter of The Bond of Light and Darkness that will start the story where it all begin. Again, I am really honored that you follow, thank you


@PlayerDemon762 Don't rush it, mate. As I'm following you, I'll get the notifications. You don't have to be honoured I'm following you, I'm chuffed someone likes my work. I just write what I want to read  Anyway, good luck. Looking forward to it.


Ahhhh!!! Hey, it's me, AnonymousMiscell/Jasper the Gay Dream/Peridot the Gay from fanfiction.net! I don't know if you remember me, but I'm really sorry I haven't been reading your stories. I have been completely blocked off from fanfiction.net (ughh), so that's why I haven't been on there. I was really looking forward to reading more about Hawk's Eye/Hawkeye :(


@DavidBillows It's good to hear from you, too! 
            And yes, there have been way too many twists on Steven Universe, it's getting a little annoying, actually. I hope you'll be able to get some new material in Destruction despite that, though. 
            And I will read your OK KO story soon. Your BATIM story sounds interesting, and if you do post it here, I would definitely read it, too. 
            You take care, too!


@Miscellaneous_Ink I've just finished a OK KO story involving Enid and Shannon and doing a BatIM, but its rather an upsetting story and no romance itself, so I won't be putting it on here but depending on reviews etc I get on fanfiction, I may put it up.
            Strange you can't log on to fanfiction.
            As for Destruction, there's been so many twists on the cartoon, I can't keep up...so I've had to rewrite some scenes and just fed up with it, I will continue it at some point but just not at the moment.
            Again,its great to hear from you. I was a little worried to be fair. Take care.


@DavidBillows Well, I've been all right, I suppose...I've been getting into new stuff, like Hetalia and Bendy and the Ink Machine and OK KO. And I don't even know why I can't go on fanfiction anymore, one day it just said that my computer could not connect to the server. 
            You're on hiatus with Destruction? That's awful. It's such a good story!
            But yeah, romantics are so popular on here. It's pretty strange, that's all anybody writes about, it seems...
            I hope you're well, too! I'll try to read some of your stories, soon!