
Ok I’m late but Merry Christmas if you celebrate!! Sooo I just wanted to share a little personal achievement that I just reached… I just got my Bachelor’s in Marine Biology!!! I’m starting my spring semester at Florida State next year so I’m super excited!! I’m going for my Ph.D so fingers crossed I can do that and start living my dream!! Thanks for all of your guys support in reading my stories and voting and commenting it means a lot!! Love you all!!


yayyyyy im so happy for you!!!


Ok I’m late but Merry Christmas if you celebrate!! Sooo I just wanted to share a little personal achievement that I just reached… I just got my Bachelor’s in Marine Biology!!! I’m starting my spring semester at Florida State next year so I’m super excited!! I’m going for my Ph.D so fingers crossed I can do that and start living my dream!! Thanks for all of your guys support in reading my stories and voting and commenting it means a lot!! Love you all!!


yayyyyy im so happy for you!!!


Hey guys! I've been working on a Jaws fan fiction for a while now. It's just been something to work on when I don't feel in the mood to work on My Hero or My Bothers Best Friend. Anyway i've go a few chapters done and I was wondering if you would be interested in reading it. It is a love story and my own character Rosalie and the original character Matt develop feeling for each other in this story. If any of you are interested let me know!


Hey guys! I was wondering if any of you knew how to draw ran art and stuff on a tablet or anything like that? I would really love some fan art from some of the scenes in any of my stories but especially My Hero. It would mean so much so please message me if you can! Thanks!