
I may or may not have a new kitten


Okay okay so the diagnosis was changed?? To generalized anxiety disorder and I'm gonna get medicine for it!


@Daryissaplayz231 Ew the nausea is terrible but it might be my period oops


@Daryissaplayz231 I started it the 28th and I am currently sleepy as shi


There is a possibility I may begin using wattpad for it's slightly intended purpose. You see, I have an ao3 account where I have written some fanfics (message me if you want it I guess, or just comment here idk?) of my own ocs. The problem is that I want to make NOT fanfics for my ocs like memey stuff or whatever but I don't wanna do it on AO3. So I'll do it here maybe.


Y'know what? Come find me!
            NeetNeetWrites on AO3!! :]


Ok so there were people outside my brother's window knocking, right? We all got scared because they walked around front and were knocking aggressively and shining lights in the window. My brother called the cops, and when they got here they asked if we knew *insert person's name*. That person was my brother's friend. My brother's friends were outside our house acting like they wanted to break in. I think the family, as a whole, had a heart attack.


I just saw someone saying that corpse party sexualized lesbians. I mean, yeah there is a lesbian (or at least lesbian coded) character who acts sexual, but honestly that's just the characters personality. I, as a lesbian, cannot understand why lesbians can't make sexual jokes about other women in media without it being labeled sexualization. That's like, 90% of what I do! Anyways, I like Seiko, she's cool. 
          Another thing, people bring up the bury the gays trope. Obviously killing off queer characters for no reason is bad. Especially when you choose to specifically kill of the character in the middle of their character growth for no reason. But there was a reason in Corpse Party. Basically everyone where they were died, it was just the lesbian character. I get that it's upsetting that they made a character queer but killed her off, but it's literally a horror rpg where children canonically died horrible gruesome deaths. Think about the game/anime for longer than two seconds and you'll realize the messed up part is definitely not the dead lesbian.
          Anyways, I love Corpse Party and I thank it for part of my childhood trauma turned love of horror.


@Daryissaplayz231 it wasn't just the lesbian character* sorry


In terms of having a normal sleep schedule, we have no normal sleep schedule. Hi, I'm Daryissaplayz and I haven't fallen asleep before midnight in years. 
          You might be wondering how I ended up in this situation. It all started back in 2017, when I decided I wanted to view my media for a little while longer. That little while longer turned into midnight. Then I began having more time to myself. I began staying up until 2. Then it was 3. 
          Here I am, in 2022 at 15 years old. And boy do I have a fun time with my sleeping issues. Half the time I lay in bed for hours at a time trying to calm my thoughts enough to allow me to slumber. But sleep doesn't come easily to my family. 
          Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that my average sleep schedule is roughly 4 am - 2 pm. I am a mess. Today it decided to be spicy and kept me up until now. Oh how I love being sleep deprived. How I ache for the cold embrace of staying awake for 2 nights in a row because my brain can't stfu. How I long for the insanity that comes from sleep deprivation. 
          Also my cat threw up in my floor so yayyy. I had to clean that up early and boy was there a lot. He tried to do it on my bed but I chucked him off (not hard, ofc!!).