
Hello Followers!
          	It has been a minute since I have done anything more than use this platform for keeping relations with a couple writing friends via PM. A LOT has happened since 2018 when I essentially said goodbye to my writing after a really rough heartbreak moment. It's been a lot of downs, a couple ups, but mostly downs. I might not be writing like I used to as I still try to process that heartbreak, but I have moved on enough to not let it completely hold me back anymore. To that effect, I have an announcement...
          	In the final months of 2023, I had begun to poke and polish at a few flash fiction turned short story pieces of mine. I then began to submit one of them to literary magazines, hoping for a little spot of light in the darkness and a physical publication under my belt again.
          	Fast forward six months and I have officially entered my vague publishing announcement era.
          	On Sunday I received an ACCEPTANCE with a wonderful literary magazine for their next issue, which will release this month! Out of respect for the magazine's announcements I can't share full details yet, but the wait won't be too long. 
          	Unfortunately, due to concerns I still have over Wattpad's copyright policies and idea stealing, I will NOT be sharing any parts of the publication here. The most I may do is create a book with a single chapter that has the links to my website and places of purchase for more information. I'm not even sure I will do that. I will, however, share the big news when I can in a post like this one. 
          	Stay tuned if you're interested because it's coming very, very soon. 


Hello Followers!
          It has been a minute since I have done anything more than use this platform for keeping relations with a couple writing friends via PM. A LOT has happened since 2018 when I essentially said goodbye to my writing after a really rough heartbreak moment. It's been a lot of downs, a couple ups, but mostly downs. I might not be writing like I used to as I still try to process that heartbreak, but I have moved on enough to not let it completely hold me back anymore. To that effect, I have an announcement...
          In the final months of 2023, I had begun to poke and polish at a few flash fiction turned short story pieces of mine. I then began to submit one of them to literary magazines, hoping for a little spot of light in the darkness and a physical publication under my belt again.
          Fast forward six months and I have officially entered my vague publishing announcement era.
          On Sunday I received an ACCEPTANCE with a wonderful literary magazine for their next issue, which will release this month! Out of respect for the magazine's announcements I can't share full details yet, but the wait won't be too long. 
          Unfortunately, due to concerns I still have over Wattpad's copyright policies and idea stealing, I will NOT be sharing any parts of the publication here. The most I may do is create a book with a single chapter that has the links to my website and places of purchase for more information. I'm not even sure I will do that. I will, however, share the big news when I can in a post like this one. 
          Stay tuned if you're interested because it's coming very, very soon. 


It is with a heavy heart that I write this. 
          I will no longer be an active user of Wattpad. My account will remain, as will my stories, in case my decision ever chances to change (I’m not betting on it), but I will not be updating and interacting any longer. The same goes for my blog and my Facebook author page if anyone happens to follow them. 
          To those I used to roleplay my characters with I am sorry, but I will not roleplay them anymore. The fun and joy to it is gone, stolen from me. I cannot say the excitement of it will ever return now. There’s nothing left but pain for me in roleplaying any of my characters. I’m sorry to cut myself from the adventuring and exploring, but I can’t do it anymore.
          I wish the best to those I used to interact with and to the friends I made here.


@DarkMistress13 Awe. Good luck in your future endeavors, Dark!


Thank you for putting my graphic book in your reading list,  much apparaicted. 


@TaintedMiracle Aww Thank you ❤❤


@TaintedMiracle You’re quite welcome! :) Your covers are awesome. 




@Pizzaloverdude Hi. How’s it going?


Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Darklings! 
          I'm slowly working myself back to actively writing in some form or another. To kick start that I've dusted off my neglected blog and published my first post in five months! I plan to do things a little differently this time, let's see if my OCD self can handle no set post days. Lol.
          For the time being though you can check out some friendly advice from a fellow writer in getting back in the groove! Part of my #WritersGuide series to Darkling Dreams. (That's my blog, if you haven't guessed.) Don't forget to hit the like button or leave a comment, I love engaging conversation.
          Stay tuned in the coming days too as I'll have a new Shard going up when I get a spare moment!
          Have a great day/night!
          ~Daelyn Morgana