
So this is one of the story's I read. It is called "Big girls don't cry". Author-chan can explain the story well but I yhought that you might like ir if a reader tells you what the book was like. So there are some part in the story that are really sad, sweet, caring, loving, and romance parts. The end is so cutie. And then there are some parts that you will wish ended differently. But basically this story is about how the girls have to go through pain in many different ways to keep a secret. This story is sad but even if it's sad it is sooooo worth it to see what the ending is like. So please read "Big girls don't cry" because I bet you will love this story. (Oh and this story is a NaLu and GraUvia story)


Hello there. Can to check out my werewolf story.  It would mean a lot to me. Thank you!


   I appreciate constructive criticism. So I won't mind at all


@seerat_11 No need to thank me. I am happy to be able to read different peoples book and tell them what I think. But please If I say something mean, I don't mean to sound rude to you. So if I sound rude to you, I am going to say this know I am sorry.


I should be the one thanking you 




@Wings_08 lol, I think you are cool too. And people like you are the best because you stick up for other and that my friend is why I think you are cool.


Um, hey! It's me: 'the girl that typed in "power to the hybrids". Just typing... To say hi. Cause I can... And I think your cool... So hi!


So this is one of the story's I read. It is called "Big girls don't cry". Author-chan can explain the story well but I yhought that you might like ir if a reader tells you what the book was like. So there are some part in the story that are really sad, sweet, caring, loving, and romance parts. The end is so cutie. And then there are some parts that you will wish ended differently. But basically this story is about how the girls have to go through pain in many different ways to keep a secret. This story is sad but even if it's sad it is sooooo worth it to see what the ending is like. So please read "Big girls don't cry" because I bet you will love this story. (Oh and this story is a NaLu and GraUvia story)