
Part two of the (very late) Christmas special is up for A Fight In Both Worlds~!! 


Im so sorry for asking again? But when will you be updating again? It's 2017 and already in March and I really miss reading you Black Butler Fan fictions!


@Clipzzo Of course! Even if i haven't been able to post chapters i always try to keep an eye on comments ^^ I'm happy that you look forward to them~ I'll do my best to get it out soon!


Thank you for reading my comment! I can wait, your books are always something I look forward to!!


@Clipzzo all i can say is I'm really sorry about the wait T_T I never meant it to take this long. I really am trying to get noth chapters finished and done I've just been caught up for a while from finishing college last year then trying to get jobs etc. I will try to get it out by early April if not sooner, it's already a longer chapter than what i normally do, thank you for putting up with the absence so far! 


Plzzz update The second book to How the hell did this happen plzzzzz I love Black Butler an this is an amezing book.


@Clipzzo its 2017 can you please update


@Clipzzo Thank you~ I am sorry about the wait. Work etc gets in the way but the 2part of the rather late xmas special is hopfully going to be finished and upload at the weekend and the main story soon after.


can you please continue the sequel to How the Hell Did This Happen? book because I have fallen in love with the series and I hope you do update it. Also I have fallen in love with the way some of the stuff was written and I'm glad I found your book because I absolutely love it! I hope you read this and continue the story and I hope that you don't stop writing until the whole series is over!! I love it all and if you read this and continue the story, thank you. I really mean it cause I think I would die if you didn't continue the story! Thank you again and I will always support you till the end and even though I don't know you in person, I know enough. through your amazing writing that you are an amazing person. thank you for starting the series, but if you start it, finish it. thank you again and now I shall leave. *takes a bow and walks off stage*


Wow it had been way to long! I'm sorry about being MIA, but I'm getting back in the game, chapters WILL be updated as soon as I can. Honestly I have not forgotten my fanfics or my amazing readers! I am going to be getting around to comments etc thank you for being patient! 
          My apologies~!!


@DarkAqua ;-; I feel ignored