
this message may be offensive
I'm sorry for the second message, TLDR : Wattpad took down the original Dragon Realm book for "violating community guidelines" but did not specify what exactly it was that had it taken down for.
          	In the time since my first message I did 2 things:
          	I researched this and discovered that there is a MASSIVE number of people who's stories were taken down for absolutely no reason. As of now, its all sorts of people and isn't attributed to LGBT or violence or anything of the sort and instead it appears to be somewhat random and the only thing that connects them is stories with the MATURE tag turned on, which is ALL of my stories. Wattpad deletes the books entirely, not unpublishes, completely deletes them. The original Dragon Realm has been cast into the void and atm I have no idea why.
          	The second thing I did was back up EVERY SINGLE ONE (Except the ones on Patreon) of my stories and drafts to my Google Drive, because fuck if I'm going to sit on my ass and let Wattpad delete 10+ years of time and effort when they can't just explain to me exactly what's wrong.
          	I am going to continue to publish to Wattpad weekly for the time being. HOWEVER if they do not explain to me what got my book disintegrated or continue to take down books I will stop publishing books here and will move EVERYTHING over to patreon FOR FREE until I can find somewhere else that I can publish my books without fear of being Thanos snapped out of existence because some Joe Shmo feels like shitting on my day.
          	PLEASE join my discord or just follow my patreon just in case, some of the stuff I've seen shows that Wattpad can just delete my account as well. So if you enjoy my stuff, just please please please stay in contact with me through those platforms.
          	I will do my best to ensure that this isn't the case, and if they do tell me what I did wrong I will edit and correct all stories involved. But it seems like they'd rather delete them.
          	Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and good luck during the purge!


@DanniNightShade if you like you could move to a PDF or your own website


@DanniNightShade some people are moving to other sites. I believe ao3 is one of them and some other I totally forgot at this moment because it's too early for me to be up


@Wamillust I want to throw hands right now, you have no idea... I spent my ENTIRE shift at work copying over my books. Thank GODS it wasn't busy.


this message may be offensive
I'm sorry for the second message, TLDR : Wattpad took down the original Dragon Realm book for "violating community guidelines" but did not specify what exactly it was that had it taken down for.
          In the time since my first message I did 2 things:
          I researched this and discovered that there is a MASSIVE number of people who's stories were taken down for absolutely no reason. As of now, its all sorts of people and isn't attributed to LGBT or violence or anything of the sort and instead it appears to be somewhat random and the only thing that connects them is stories with the MATURE tag turned on, which is ALL of my stories. Wattpad deletes the books entirely, not unpublishes, completely deletes them. The original Dragon Realm has been cast into the void and atm I have no idea why.
          The second thing I did was back up EVERY SINGLE ONE (Except the ones on Patreon) of my stories and drafts to my Google Drive, because fuck if I'm going to sit on my ass and let Wattpad delete 10+ years of time and effort when they can't just explain to me exactly what's wrong.
          I am going to continue to publish to Wattpad weekly for the time being. HOWEVER if they do not explain to me what got my book disintegrated or continue to take down books I will stop publishing books here and will move EVERYTHING over to patreon FOR FREE until I can find somewhere else that I can publish my books without fear of being Thanos snapped out of existence because some Joe Shmo feels like shitting on my day.
          PLEASE join my discord or just follow my patreon just in case, some of the stuff I've seen shows that Wattpad can just delete my account as well. So if you enjoy my stuff, just please please please stay in contact with me through those platforms.
          I will do my best to ensure that this isn't the case, and if they do tell me what I did wrong I will edit and correct all stories involved. But it seems like they'd rather delete them.
          Anyways, I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and good luck during the purge!


@DanniNightShade if you like you could move to a PDF or your own website


@DanniNightShade some people are moving to other sites. I believe ao3 is one of them and some other I totally forgot at this moment because it's too early for me to be up


@Wamillust I want to throw hands right now, you have no idea... I spent my ENTIRE shift at work copying over my books. Thank GODS it wasn't busy.


Alrighty, so this is weird one but the original Dragon Realm was just removed from Wattpad but the platform did not describe "Why" it was removed other than because it "Was against community guidelines." Which, if it was, then you would think they would have noticed this the 10 or so years ago when I first published the book and not so much time later.
          I did appeal it and I asked them to specify what was said or done against the guidelines but we'll see what comes of it in the future.
          The only thing I can think of is some dingleberry with too much time on their hands reported by story for something that wasn't in it to try and get it taken down. If it turns out that I DID do or say something in the book that isn't appropriate or allowed then I do apologize, but I do not remember what my teenage brain wrote about 10 or so years ago and haven't read through the book in a while.
          I hope Wattpad get's back to me and explains exactly what happened otherwise I can't promise that I will continue to write on a platform that will remove my books without telling me what's wrong with them.
          And yes, I did read through the guidelines to try and figure it out but everything that WOULD have gotten it flagged is protected under the Mature tag.
          Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you and have a better day than me everyone!


@DanniNightShade happened to me. I think people are spam reporting our books


@DanniNightShade Happened to a few authors recently. The books which were removed were all LGBTQ themed and the authors only or predominantly wrote LGBTQ themed books. Maybe, Wattpad is targeting LGBTQ themed books. Everything is pointing towards that possibility than anything else.


@NyxThylacine It blows my mind. I did a bit of research and apparently they're taking down things with sexual abuse content a lot. Now I don't know if you guys know this, but I have a single character who experienced that and she's not even in the book that was taken down, nor is it ever described in detail so I'm just so confused as to why they did it to the book they did it to. I can't for the life of me understand it.


i had added all your stories to my library but couldn't get back to wattpad for sometime now. one by one i have started going through all the books in my library now and i came across dragon realm. then i remembered how i had saved all your books in my library because i loved your writing in louder than words. they've a bit of world building and mixing with each other. so if it's not too much trouble, could you give the order in which i could start reading all your books?


@DanniNightShade alright. appreciate that. thanks a lot! :D


@aasuag The order for my stories is in my discord as it is too long to post here or in my bio. The link to the discord is in the bio.


If updates get delayed I apologize in advance. I've been having  a lot of writers block lately, and while normally that's not a problem for me since I pre-write my stories, I tore through my backlog without really noticing. I usually have moods where I sit down and write dozens of chapters, but I haven't had the desire to do that in a while.
          For the last month or so I've been barely keeping up with the Thursday Updates, just scraping by to get things out on time both here and Patreon, and I know doing this greatly effects the quality of my work.
          This isn't to say I don't have ideas of course. I have a dozen plans for the things I want to write about, but I have no desire to put them to paper (hypothetically of course, I obviously write on a computer). 
          I'm going to do my best to continue to keep up with it, and maintain the level of quality I strive for, but I wanted to make sure it didn't come out of no where if my chapters are delayed by a few days.
          As to why I don't feel the desire to write anymore, I'm entirely unsure. Yes, I've been playing way more video games than usual, but otherwise nothing has really changed. Maybe I'm not the same angsty kid I was for so long and don't need to write about a better world because mine turned around for the better? I have no idea.
          Anyways, have a wonderful day everyone, and I promise I'm doing my best to get back into it!.... Maybe I have to play Skyrim again...


@DanniNightShade In that case l'll wait until you get it all back together and write some more.


@DanniNightShade omg lol, I do feel that though. But I find it hard to put my mind to focus long enough or to actually do it


@meannice I deleted it from my computer cuz i was sick of installing it all the time. And of course, after typing up this whole thing I also came up with a writing schedule where I just take the time like I used to to write, and Oh look at that... 3 chapters in an hour...


I have gotten my new pc ready to go, but I am now a super broke bitch :D. Updates should no longer be effected. They weren't anyway because I worry about nothing.


@abcdefgh1267 tomorrow my children. You can make it.


abcdefgh1267@DanniNightShade l hope the pc good & hope you get richer soon.. waiting for some updates..


@DanniNightShade oh okay. Sometimes the time difference messes with my sense of time.  


I know I whore my patreon out all time time and you guys are probably sick of it, but I am new to this and like any aspiring writer, would love to make writing my full time job. It's a pipe dream, I know, but that won't stop me from trying!
          With that being said, what would make you guys want to subscribe to my patreon? Even for say, the 1$ tier? What do you think your money is worth? Obviously I can't run myself into the ground trying to get out a billion chapters for you guys, but once it starts doing well I'd be happy to put out extra chapters a week and stuff.
          For example, for the 1$ would you want 6 extra chapters? I'm thinking about adding rolls to match in my discord but I wouldn't have a purpose for them now.
          Let me know what you would be willing to pay 1$ for. I already think $5 is too much for chapters in an exclusive book so I'm not even worrying about that. 
          Yes I am still trying to get my books on a platform that wont take my kidneys and I think Kindle is going to be the way. So if I publish a kindle book, which book would you guys want first?
          Let me know, and have a wonderful day Treasures!


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@DanniNightShade Oh my bad. Somehow I am thinking you wrote a sequel, I am forgetful as all fuck so excuse me


@Simple-Blue-Helmet Louder Than Words does not have a part two. Technically all the books taking place at Willow Creek have a continuation in The Study of Magic but that's the 5$ tier exclusive and I'm not sure if that's what you're referring to.


@DanniNightShade Likely louder than words, it has a part two so mostly all you would need to do is edit it and make sure it is up to your standards as of your current writing pattern!


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I know I just posted, but my computer just shit the bed on me and i have to get a new one. So if I'm late on updates I apologize as I'm doing my best. I just made another big purchase so I don't have the money for a new one right now and it's going to take some time.
          Bare with me! I should still be able to get updates out as I have my laptop but they might not be on time cuz I'm used to my desktop. Once again, I'm sorry for any inconvenience or lateness.


Good Morning Everyone! (Its 12am for me, yay 3rd shift at work)
          Recently I finished adding over the entirety of The Art Of Magic over to Patreon FOR FREE, so if you're interested in reading it, or reading it again, without ads then head on over there.
          I wanted to ask you all if you had any idea for the next book to start it's copying over to Patreon to be read for free without ads. Please let me know which book you want to indulge yourself in without being interrupted next, otherwise I'll probably just pick at random.
          Thank you all and have a absolutely wonderful day my Treasures :D


Just a random question. I'm not sure if anyone asked this. But is there a story for Alice? I haven't read your older books, and I've just started reading Nigtshade recently. But the character I'm mostly curious is about Alice. To everyone in the Nightshade book (The old version, and as far as I've read),  Alice is the villain. But somehow, I know there's more to it. Is there really something more that she could have a book/story of her own???
          PS: Nobody really is obliged to answer. Just a wee 'lil bit curious xD


@DanniNightShade yeah, I've noticed that in the few books I've read. Eitherway, I'll support you by reading your stories xD. Have a great day tho xD


@EuantheSeonaid I'm not sure how far along you are in the series (rewrite included) but she does get with Sarah and have a daughter. In the rewrite I've given her actual scenes to show her making progress and as said I fully intend to give her real closure from a big part of her life, so stay tuned with that :D. As for short stories, I'm trying to mesh her into most of my other books to give her a chance to shine as much as she can. Who knows. Maybe in the future I'll write a book for her. I know I'm currently working on a book for Nyx which takes place in ancient Greece so who knows.


@DanniNightShade Understandable, I also couldn't write up a scenario like that even if I do want to. I think if she does have a story of her own. It'll be so horrible that we could feel so bad for her, probably bawl our eyes out. I might probably just be simping on her though. I knew she's a villain, and probably a bad guy even in the other older books that I've read like I'm not sure if it's Nyx's Story or that Stargazer one where she lives with a human that has her in it. But as I've also read Louder than Words, Alice really seemed cool. Sorry, I'm really just crushing on her lol. But yeah, I think, maybe you can try to make just some random short scenes about her? Where you don't necessarily need to have a full discussion of her past. Just something that she's happy and looks forward to, maybe adventures of her and the friends that she comes across and accepts her regardless of her past or a possible romance or something xD. Thanks for answering despite your busy schedule. I hope to read more of your old, current and new stories