
Hey guys! I am currently correcting and updating my LGBT+ guide bc there's a lot of things that has changed and I've also noticed a lot of errors that I procrastinated to correct in the past lmao,,,sooo tell me if there's anything to add or what you'd like to see :)




@technobvbble Oh tysm!! I hope you have a lovely day!!


@dancingberrie oh nothing I just liked your book so just wanted to say hi :]


@technobvbble Doing good! Can I help you w something?


Hey guys! I am currently correcting and updating my LGBT+ guide bc there's a lot of things that has changed and I've also noticed a lot of errors that I procrastinated to correct in the past lmao,,,sooo tell me if there's anything to add or what you'd like to see :)


Hello there :)
          I need to mention that I only use Wattpad on my computer so I don't get any notifications. If you comment or message me I might end up reply a couple of days later because I'm not on my computer very often. 
          Of course you might think/ask why shouldn't I just get Wattpad on my phone? Well...I do have enough space to get Wattpad on my phone,but I am just not interested to have it on my phone since I'm not on Wattpad that often, unless if I create new chapters for my LGBTQ+ guide.
          Hopefully you understand that I reply quite late and I don't plan having Wattpad on my phone since I don't really have a lot of comments and I barely have any messages. Maybe if you try to convince me I would install it, but I probably won't! 
          Bye :)


The best thing about my LGBTQA+ guide is that the sexual orientations, romantic orientations and genders don't stop after the generic ones that everybody knows. I go deep to find genders that people barely knows so they can actually learn new things. And what I like the most is searching for the defenitions and informations and also the beautiful flags! When I go to searching mode, I have like...ten tabs open to be extremely about the defenition and flags. The LGBTQ+ is so much fun, it's like a whole new world of discovering things and people! :D