
Hey y'all! I've got chapter five for "From Outside When the Sun is Still" up! Whew that was a long one, I warned you right? lol We get to see one of my favorite characters introduced in this one, so I'm super psyched for that! I hope y'all like it, and I would love to hear from you!


Hey y'all! I've got chapter five for "From Outside When the Sun is Still" up! Whew that was a long one, I warned you right? lol We get to see one of my favorite characters introduced in this one, so I'm super psyched for that! I hope y'all like it, and I would love to hear from you!


Hey y'all! Chapter four is up for "From Outside When the Sun is Still". Prepare, because the next chapter is going to be MUCH longer, and I didn't want this one to be 4k or it all would have ben here lol I really hope y'all like it, and would love to hear from you!


Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your Renaissance book so far! ^-^ And I also have a question. Which movie/movies in The Twilight Saga is/are your favorite? :3 (mine are probably New Moon {because of the wolves, lol}, Eclipse,  Breaking Dawn: Part 1, and Breaking Dawn: Part 2)


@-_Spooky-Tea_- oh my gosh right?? And I love how that was explored in the books too. Honestly I'd love to see a Jasper and Alice series 


@DNDxRyuzaki Cool. Also, the only things that I really care about in Eclipse is the training scene (because Jasper gets more screen time then usual <3), and how Alice is absolutely rocking her haircut, lol. 


Hey y'all! Just got chapter three up for "From Outside When the Sun is Still". Lots of fun and nostalgia writing this section, and we're getting into some light lore and world building now. I hope y'all like it, and would love to hear from you!


To anyone following me or my poor poor old untouched Twilight fic, I'm gonna be trying something new that I haven't seen yet (no in haven't forgotten about Renaissance lol).  I'm going to be cowriting a fanfic where there are no characters from the work: the setting is so interesting that it in itself is a character.  It'll be up soon but on another account possibly since it's a joint project.  We fell so on love with the setting that what we really wanted wad to write a story where all new OC characters could thrive.  Kind of like seeing how the story might have gone with a completely different cast.  Risky but still a project we love.  It takes place in the Vampire Knight universe so fans of that should definitely check it out, just do know that there are zero (ha) VK characters in it, this fic was meant to showcase the setting of the world.


Love your book! Please update! 


@Missing_Soul Aaaaand the next chapter is up!


@Missing_Soul hoping to soon, starting on another project and when I do I hope to pick this one backup too :3