Why are you guys still here when I haven't posted anything in months?????


@DELUNA2005 waiting for you to get back :)


hello everyone! to those who read my books, i am sorry for the silent updates. i’ve been using my time to relax after the exams two weeks ago and my phone didn’t charge anymore. I’m using my brother’s tablet right now and it will be a while for me to update and transfer my data here in the tablet so I’m sorry, i  won’t be around fo a while. Have a good day everyone ^^


Test is tomorrow and will continue for two days so i won't be active his week. So wish me luck- no wish me to survive this torture because we won't be looking at our phones for answers anymore since we are going to take tests on school f2f. Pray that I'll survive and Might pass. Oh no i'm going to interact with people again *social anxiety Intesifies*


Can someone help me find the TCF Reactionfic where Cale!Krs are there. And the Constellation was involve on giving coins to both TCF and TBOAH characters. And KRS!Cale and Cale!KRS acted like siblings. Where TBOAH are in different Tables while TCF are in one long Family tables.
          Please if anyone know this Fanfic please notify me i've trying to find it for weeks