Me a pansexual : i hate men 
          	Random person : why-
          	Me : chapter 306 and 138 
          	Horikoshi and isayama:(❍ᴥ❍ʋ) ಠ_ಠ


Are you alright?yes it is 3 years later I read your comments and I wanted to make sure you are okay


Just a remiamder : i said i would TRY to update . And 2, even though i didnt feel better im doing my best . Its rude to hear update update update when im trying to do the smallest thing like get out of bed . Please understand even tho i shoukdnt even have to update , i am . Sorry if this sounds rude , its the truth .


@D3ZAST3RART take ur time babes, don’t rush for no one ❤️


@D3ZAST3RART i forgot about you im so so so so sorry its a bit hard to remember 200 books of hinata harem lol


Hopefully no one sees this but 
          Tw// self harm 
          I did it again ... And im not dissapointed .
          Im not mad and i dont feel bad , im not okay but i dont know what i feel . I know i hate my body , i just wanna be pretty and i hate hearing stupid compliments , theyre lies and i know it . People might feel like theyre actually listening to me but truth is i dont wanna be heard , whenever i rant i want them to forget so they feel comforted by the me i created tht is slightly the real me .
          Whenever i cut i feel relieved , i love them .
          I love my deep marks , im not insecyre about them . And yeah when it comes to sexual kinks it is one of mine .
          But when i do it when im sad , i feel it so naturally . Like the razor is an exstension of my body and as if its okay that it deeply grazes my skin .
          Im sorry if this is dark , im sorry i feel like this .
          And if you guys see this , please im begging dont give me any pity , i cant stand it anymore.
          I dont know whats wrong but i gotta surpress it , ive been doing it for almost 5 years now . Because if i talk about how i feel ill just be “ victimizing myself “
          I hate it here , can you guys tell 
          Me neither 
          Anyways , ill try updating another chapter






this message may be offensive
I cant even push myself to be alive rn . For god fucking sakes im just so TIRED , I dont wanna wake up anymore


@D3ZAST3RART 〉don't worry sweetheart, i know how it feels, but things will eventually get better!


Things happen, but they’ll eventually get better! There are always things to look forward to, so keep on striving. YOU GOT THIS, HON! <33 I’m p inactive here, but if you need to vent or anything, I’m all ears 


@D3ZAST3RART I swear if you don't stay alive, Imma be pissed
            Take a break from writing unless it's a de-stressor. if it causes you stress, S T O P, take a break, nobody will be mad