
Hey everyone, it's been awhile. So sorry I've been gone for a year or 2... or 3? Ugh I lost track- but anyways, I'm here to let you know I am going to slowly get back into writing stories again! For the longest time I've kinda just lost all motivation to write or even roleplay- and I guess I sort of just- disappeared from here for such a long time- and since Covid hit, my grandma had gotten it so I was busy dealing with that as well as helping out my dad. ALSO! IF YOU WANT A CAT OR KITTEN PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I am trying to help my grandma get rid of all our cats! We physically, mentally and emotionally cannot handle all these cats- it's just a mess over here and there is literally no one around where we live that wants cats or is willing to help us- so PLEASE- if you want one or know of anyone looking for orange tabbies- black- or calicos, LET ME KNOW AND LET THEM KNOW ABOUT ME!
          	Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.... Bai!~


Where do you live? I’d love a kitten. Also welcome back!!!


Hey everyone, it's been awhile. So sorry I've been gone for a year or 2... or 3? Ugh I lost track- but anyways, I'm here to let you know I am going to slowly get back into writing stories again! For the longest time I've kinda just lost all motivation to write or even roleplay- and I guess I sort of just- disappeared from here for such a long time- and since Covid hit, my grandma had gotten it so I was busy dealing with that as well as helping out my dad. ALSO! IF YOU WANT A CAT OR KITTEN PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I am trying to help my grandma get rid of all our cats! We physically, mentally and emotionally cannot handle all these cats- it's just a mess over here and there is literally no one around where we live that wants cats or is willing to help us- so PLEASE- if you want one or know of anyone looking for orange tabbies- black- or calicos, LET ME KNOW AND LET THEM KNOW ABOUT ME!
          Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.... Bai!~


Where do you live? I’d love a kitten. Also welcome back!!!


@CybrochisFTW heya.. its been a while? so, i have a question for ya, do you think that even the worst person can change, that everyone can be good, if they just try?
          if we ever rp again, i have a great rp idea, Lets just say it has something to do with Metal Plates in the undertale universes


Oh! Hi! I remember you as Larka- I’m doing good- I’ve been busy as of these past few years, so I haven’t really been active on here that much anymore. But how are you? Hope everything is going alright for you this year!


@CybrochisFTW hewwo, i see you are a woman of culture, and, i didnt know the last post, but, i can make my oc like one of yours if you want! and i hope we become frienfd


Its also been awhile since I’ve been on here so sorry about not replying until now! TvT


Hi! I don’t mind oc x oc! Im totally ok with that! :D


Hey everyone!!! This is for my Roleplaying buddies!
          I am going to take a break from fandom RPs cause it’s hard keeping up with which character I am RPing as for you thirsty ppl .
          Instead... I’ve made a roleplay book for our OCs!! And it’s in the amazing world Zantous, MY world! :D I’m sure you’d love the adventure if ya give it a chance =v=
          Anyways....... see ya’ll there!!!
          If you decide to try it out ;v;


@CybrochisFTW  oki dokies, i just hope we can rp together, and i dont mind a harem of your ocs for one of my ocs, or a harem of brysons X one of your ocs, or just have oc X oc, i dont mind! :3


Hi everyone! I'm baaaaaaaaack~ but so you all know I'm holding back on the books I am writing to continue another story I've been holding out on for far too long for a friend of mine...
          I will happily announce that I am making a "Werewolf!McCree x Reader" Story! This idea was given by a... um.... special... RP me and her were doing! I promise you all it will be out by.... THE SUMMER OF 2020!
          Jk! :D Its actually almost half way done, so it MIGHT actually be out before Christmas! If not... then I'll just announce again the day before it's posted :D
          Have yourselves a lovely day and year! :D
          OH! Happy Early Halloweeeeen~ hehehe...