
I'll start writing books and updating chapter most likely in a week or two


Hey my loyal Pandas! So I'm thinking of removing the books I am no longer working on, you know, for a fresh start! But I'm not deleting them now so if you liked reading my books and want to  reread them or if you want to read them in general then go ahead. But I will be taking them down at the end of January! Love you Pandas! Also a new chapter of 'Enderwood Academy' will be out shortly. Lots of love
          From queen Panda 
          (Also thinking of changing my name. Tell what you think)


Hello Pandas....I know some ode you are wondering why I haven't updated. Well there is a big reason for that and that's.....well it's me! My interest have changed a lot. I'm not into 1D as much anymore. 5sos I still love very much but I've just changed. I like more...alternative things now. Some fantasy. I love bands but I've just to knew options and types of music. I love you all so much and I will try to get a new book out or try updating the one I'm working on now. In the near future there will be a new book me and friends will be working on. I can't give to many details (or they will kill me) because I want it to be a surprise. I have also started school again which means it's even harder to write books. I'm sorry to my loyal Panda's (followers) my interest have changed and I hope you understand. Thank you all and I love you. Bye!


Boa noite, recentemente terminei minha obra literária de título: Rave o caçador, a profecia. Estória que narra a vida de um grupo de jovens de uma cidade corrompida e dominada por homens de pouca moral que controlam o povo com truculência, fome e miséria. Um dos jovens se destaca, Rave seu nome, irmão de Kate. Garota fiel e devota ao seu grupo, que na maioria são crianças desamparadas. Uma profecia é associada a seu irmão e eles fogem com medo de serem assassinados. Alguns povos antigos de onde a profecia se origina os protegem, e começa uma guerra de grandes proporções. A aventura é regada de romances, batalhas, caçadas, traições, laços de amizade, relação de amor e ódio e uma mensagem de fé e perseverança nos idéias filosóficos dos povos originários da profecia. 
          Dê uma lida! Vai gostar! 


Hello everyone! I just want to to thank you guys for being so patient with my story 'Hidden'. I know I never finish many of my stories but don't worry I'm gonna try and get back to those. I would really love it if you guys would tell me the types you would want to see in the stories and if you have any request. I love and thank all of you for being supporting me and reading my stories. You guys are amazing and I love you all (also Senpai) and hope you guys have great days/nights! Bye!