
this message may be offensive
Hey. It’s Maximus here, (fuck that was cringy-) anyway, so uhm…a lot has happened and I’d you wanna read this, go on ahead.
          	So, for the past 6 months, I’ve been depressed AF. I’m pretty sure you guys noticed. And so I barley have any motivation to get things done. I try my hardest, but it never works. And Tyler manipulated me SO bad. It’s not even funny. I’m so fucking tired of this. Seriously. I’ve thought about attempting too many times. I’ve tried to do it, but my mom said that I would go into a mental hospital or something like that. Anywho, and recently I was diagnosed with ADHD (or js ADD Ig). And since it wasn’t taken care of right away, it caused me to have depression, low self esteem, etc…
          	So, I’ve been taking medication for my depression, and I’m gonna take medication for my ADHD. But still, I feel like shit, and my life has been fucked up enough. Seriously.
          	And I js found out that a friend of mine (my bf actually ;) ) didn’t kill himself, but another friend of mine did. And it was last year. I don’t check my announcements, and I fucking hate myself for that. 
          	My life has been pretty shitty. And I hope you guys understand…
          	I love you all, don’t forget that <3


@Valencice Ty ml <3 sending u virtual hugs too! :3


@ Cupidsnightmare i hope you get better soon, you don't deserve the pain your going through. Stay strong<3 P.S. Sending virtual hugs! ⊂⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)


this message may be offensive
Hey. It’s Maximus here, (fuck that was cringy-) anyway, so uhm…a lot has happened and I’d you wanna read this, go on ahead.
          So, for the past 6 months, I’ve been depressed AF. I’m pretty sure you guys noticed. And so I barley have any motivation to get things done. I try my hardest, but it never works. And Tyler manipulated me SO bad. It’s not even funny. I’m so fucking tired of this. Seriously. I’ve thought about attempting too many times. I’ve tried to do it, but my mom said that I would go into a mental hospital or something like that. Anywho, and recently I was diagnosed with ADHD (or js ADD Ig). And since it wasn’t taken care of right away, it caused me to have depression, low self esteem, etc…
          So, I’ve been taking medication for my depression, and I’m gonna take medication for my ADHD. But still, I feel like shit, and my life has been fucked up enough. Seriously.
          And I js found out that a friend of mine (my bf actually ;) ) didn’t kill himself, but another friend of mine did. And it was last year. I don’t check my announcements, and I fucking hate myself for that. 
          My life has been pretty shitty. And I hope you guys understand…
          I love you all, don’t forget that <3


@Valencice Ty ml <3 sending u virtual hugs too! :3


@ Cupidsnightmare i hope you get better soon, you don't deserve the pain your going through. Stay strong<3 P.S. Sending virtual hugs! ⊂⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠⊂⁠ ⁠)


Thank you very much for following me ^^
          *Bows and gives him a teddy bear and flowers * I hope you like this and it's to your liking <3 


@XxTomioka_giyuxX Hey! Np ml. And I love it <3 *Gives you kisses everywhere on the face and gives you a box of chocolates.* If you ever need to vent, I'll listen.


I js shoved a bag of jelly beans up my ass-


          Mwah~~ -Reii
          (Started by @reii-lol)