
Hello, everyone. Sorry about the really long break *again*. I've been having ~adult~ issues like the spooky stuff called unemployment, lower back pain, and aversion to bills.
          	In a non-joking way, I'm struggling with life. Just the usual nowadays. Of course, I am still working on my stories, and I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record at this point lol - but that's all I can offer for now. I do not plan to orphan SBHS or any of my other published works at all so I hope this can appease you for the time being.
          	Thank you all for reading my works and supporting me!


Hello, everyone. Sorry about the really long break *again*. I've been having ~adult~ issues like the spooky stuff called unemployment, lower back pain, and aversion to bills.
          In a non-joking way, I'm struggling with life. Just the usual nowadays. Of course, I am still working on my stories, and I'm sorry for sounding like a broken record at this point lol - but that's all I can offer for now. I do not plan to orphan SBHS or any of my other published works at all so I hope this can appease you for the time being.
          Thank you all for reading my works and supporting me!


Hi, so, uh I don't know if you're currently active but just wanted to thank you for getting me into fandom. SBHS was the first fanfic I ever read, (on btw), and the entire reason I made my original wattpad account was so that I could read the rest of the story that you didn't post on I am now in tons of fandoms and even though mcsm isn't the most prominent one, it holds a very special place in heart for getting me into fandom in the first place. I adore your writing and think you're super cool. Remember that there is a reason you have followers, it's because we think your awesome! That is the reason I am following you, and that is the reason that even though I know what you are going through, you should remember that there are people that think you are amazing.


@Logicalityfander This... really means a lot to me. I've had messages like these before but this paragraph really made it apparent on how I affect others and I'm so happy that I have helped people like you this way. This is a great deal to hear during a really difficult time for me. Thank you :,)


Hello, everyone. A new chapter for SBHS will be posted sometime this week :)
          The rest of this is a little brain dump, so ignore it if you don’t feel like reading.
          It’s been hard updating my stories, especially SBHS, in the face of the virus. My cycle has always been post-regularly-for-a-while and then stop-posting-for-months-on-end but this time has actually been different. Life isn’t the same, especially here in Cali where there are a significant amount of cases. I’ve been struggling mentally with my own image, of how I come across to others and to myself during lockdown. Unfortunately, this impedes on true progress I want to make on stories like SBHS because these stories have some kind of introspective aspect of mine in every chapter, minor or major. The tiny perfectionist in me wants these chapters to be perfect in their own way, but I know these will never be perfect. However, that’s why I have the ending copy/paste thing at the end of my chapters: a few sentences about leaving comments and stars. Your input, your criticism, your excitement, your anger - it fuels my own motivation to write and to return the favors you have done for me. Thank you all for reading my stories, even those who don’t comment or star. I appreciate it :)
          It’s been a long few years since I started seriously posting my work, and I’m glad you all have journeyed through it with me.


I just wanted to let you know that there’s a Savior out there who loves you. Jesus came to earth, paid the price we could never pay, by dying the death we deserved. No matter what we’ve done, if we turn to Him for forgiveness, He will forgive.
          If you believe this, pass this message on to as many people as you want. I won’t be offended if you decide not to. This is your choice. 
          I hope you have an amazing day :)