
I've decided that I am going to post the first chapter of my new book tomorrow! I am pretty much done with it and I think it's good to be uploaded!


Hey... um... yeah. I'm back after a month... and yes, band did get in the way but I only had band a couple days and it's mostly been school work becuase they are giving homework now like there's no tomorrow. So, I have a couple weeks until jazz band starts and I will try and use some of that time for writing, if I don't have homework or if I don't need to practice... so hopefully I won't just disappear for a month lmao


Ok, I have decided that I am going to re write Past. I believe I've said this before, but I've had major writers block since August and have attempted to continue the book,  but just ended up scraping the drafts. So I'm just going to get a fresh start on it so I don't have writers block anymore :)


Also, I just realized that I haven't even worked on Past since Band Camp. I remember having my notebook on the table in front of me working on it, but I don't think I've touched that notebook since. (I have, but it was for Nightmares)...  But Band Camp was also about 4 or 5 months ago soo


Ok, so Tuesday, instead of Nightmares, I'm going to upload a special New Years/Christmas chapter that I kept forgetting about. I know it's like, 2 weeks late, but I'm finally getting around to finish it, so I should publish it around 7:30. (If I don't forget about it because I have a game and I'm teaching one of my friends how to play the trombone)