
Now that the Cloudy Rewrites are done, I will go back to Heavy Storms and finish that. Then... It's time for She-Ra. And, in my July break month, I will start brainstorming the next part of Equestria Friends, Legend of Everfree


hii when will you finish on mleg new book? :D


@_Nicole_laii_ I'm almost finishing my storyboarding. And July is my break month for writing. So, I'm going to start writing it during then. I don't know if I'll finish it during the month, but a good chunk of it will be done. So it might be published in early August


Hi there! I saw your books about "Cloudy Chance of the meatballs""Flint x oc" 1 and 2erd book. There both was awsome! And... I just thought to draw for you something. 
          [Yeah... I have no idea how to send photo fir writers...]
          Anyway.. I draw a new character for you... Her name is Strawberry Shortcake and she is an Earth pony, pegasi and unicorn all-in-one. And she is having awsome abilities. And... She could be best friend for Twilight and Bella. Well... Uh... Hiw do you like my idea for you? 


Cloudy 2 Rewrite has been puplished. Only five chapters have been posted because I still need to edit the rest. But I can't do it on the laptop I'm using, I need to use my better one but I've been cut off from the Internet at home at the moment.
          I'm publishing this at school, so it'll be a few days before I might be able to publish the rest of the book, I'm sorry about this, hope you understand.
          Love y'all


Hey Crystal, girl. I have something to say but... I know I'm not here to lighten the mood up for you. But hear me out:
          Now that you've complete both of MCSM Season 1 fanfic. Is there any chance you will make Season 2 in the future? (sorry, I didn't want to spoil it to your readers, oops.)
          And another thing, would you recreate the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs sequel, if you wouldn't mind my chances, in case if you're interested? 
          Just... think about it. Anyways, keep making awesome fanfics, girl!


@Crystal34345 *Just* keep us posted, unless you wanted to ;)


@RealKeken17 Yep, I am planning on doing those. The sequel to the Cloudy rewrite is in the works which should be up in a couple of weeks and I'm in the planning stages for Season 2 of MCSM, but that won't be published until next


Hello everyone, haven't updated my plan schedule in a while. I don't have much up at the moment but I can confirmed a few things.
          First off, I can confirm I've got two more chapters of the second MCSM book left, so that's exciting.
          Second, I'm thinking about doing a Murder Drones fic, might have to do a bit more thought into that, but I wanna know what you guys think.
          Lastly, my Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs rewrite is 75% done! So, I'll have that published in about a week or so, then I'll work on getting the second movie done.
          I hope you guys had a great Easter and for now, keep dancing in the moonlight and keep making the UwU, bye!


@Crystal34345 I'm so happy you're doing cloudy with a Chance of meatballs again