
I am not going to lie this Christmas I felt like a Scrooge because instead of staying in my hometown I went on a trip with my dad his girlfriend and her granddaughter. I went to make him happy. But ended up making me upset because I wasn't where I belong. I missed everyone in my family. Last night I had a dream that I was back at home letting up the tree listening to Christmas music with my mom. I couldn't do that this year because my dad and his girlfriend are all about basketball. What I am saying is to spend time with your love ones and cherish them no matter how much you despise them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 


I am not going to lie this Christmas I felt like a Scrooge because instead of staying in my hometown I went on a trip with my dad his girlfriend and her granddaughter. I went to make him happy. But ended up making me upset because I wasn't where I belong. I missed everyone in my family. Last night I had a dream that I was back at home letting up the tree listening to Christmas music with my mom. I couldn't do that this year because my dad and his girlfriend are all about basketball. What I am saying is to spend time with your love ones and cherish them no matter how much you despise them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 


The day is almost over so I have one thing to say cherish all of who you love. Do not care for foolish mistakes in the past. Carry on with the way you live and may your wrongs turn into rights by the end of the night. 
          Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night because I'm stuffed