
I feel dead Inside hana
          	Anyway, I'm alive, just so you guys know. Haven't read Wattpad fanfics in so long. School sucks. Trying to write my Alien Stage fanfic but failing. The usual. Have a nice day btw (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡


@Crying_Author Hope you have a nice day too lol


I'm procrastinating so hard, I swear. Anyway, maybe I'll start writing Alien Stage stuff??? My sister is getting really mad that there's no stuff on AO3, so I might write for her 
          She loves Alien Stage. Same here. Except I joined this fandom 7 months ago and she joined it a month ago. There was literally like 40 works in that fandom back then. What's she complaining about??? Lol
          Hope you guys had a nice day. 
          -Your (practically dead) author, Sara


Oh yeah, about that novel we're writing. Yeah, we decided to start over again because we noticed some pretty massive plot holes. We will plan it again and then post. If anyone decided to read it, me and my sister will be happy 


this message may be offensive
So, my school got a bomb threat. There were bomb threats all over my fucking country. A bunch of schools evacuated the students, including mine. I'm doing great 


@Crying_Author I heard about this on the news, I hope you're okay, and please be safe.


@Crying_Author same goes here, we didn't even go to school, my mom thinks they found a bomb as well


            Oh my God. Hun, what country are you from?!  Does that happen often?! Is the threat real or just to mess with you guys? Take care and be careful! 




@A_Username_Wastaken Damn, you replied in a minute? That's crazy


Merry Christmas guys! I hope you had a wonderful year because I know I did. I appreciate all the things that you have done for me, I really do. I'm so sorry for not posting here, I haven't posted in a year and know that I probably should, but I don't enjoy writing undertale fanfiction anymore and that's what I mainly posted. I'll probably post something from a different fandom.
          Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! You guys are amazing :)
          -Your author, Sara ^_^