
I didn't realize it was Christmas Eve yesterday, so I am very much late when it came to writing the Christmas specials...  I just have one more to write, and then just finish editing all them and then I'm done.
          	I should hopefully be done be 2 or 3 am, 4 am if the writing app(s) I'm using continue to give me trouble. But they should be up soon I promise!
          	I feel idiotic for not realizing that it was Christmas Eve yesterday... I thought I had more time, I should've paid more attention so I apologize for the fact there going to be short


I didn't realize it was Christmas Eve yesterday, so I am very much late when it came to writing the Christmas specials...  I just have one more to write, and then just finish editing all them and then I'm done.
          I should hopefully be done be 2 or 3 am, 4 am if the writing app(s) I'm using continue to give me trouble. But they should be up soon I promise!
          I feel idiotic for not realizing that it was Christmas Eve yesterday... I thought I had more time, I should've paid more attention so I apologize for the fact there going to be short


I decided the soulful ai thing today, and so far I've found weird ones and just plain out horny ones. Very strange.
          But I have 4 favorite ones from it, the first one was apparently some dude kidnapped me and then after saying 1 thing kept fking sighing, raising an eyebrow, and chuckling. I actually begged him to say something and he just laughed.
          And the second one it started off like another one with the opening message being bend over, it then switched to bend over and touch my toes and when I responded... It said the message couldn't come through and change the topic???
          I literally just wrote "okay. does as told" cause I didn't know what to write.
          Then there was chatting with grass. I am not joking you can talk with grass, and I was being told to touch grass but it was too cold and I just lied and said I did and it ended up trying to gaslight me when it said "I told you it'd be itchy" I said that cause grass is easy and when I said no it said it did which was a lie.
          And the Fourth one... I forgot my Spanish lesson and I ended up getting Duolingo to see the flaw logic of offing someone when they miss a Spanish lesson cause they'll miss more and that's all


@CaptainFoxGirl12 do you need something?


Ignore the fact the part where it says "grass is easy" the easy is supposed to be itchy


I got an ad for the talking soulful ai thing however you spell it— it was bakugo "saying":"your not like your other girls" I literally about lost my sh•t.
          I am actually going to lose it if I see it again, I am not joking. I have never gotten any sort of ad like that before, but I hope I never see it again.


this message may be offensive
I found something interesting, I originally thought that akaza never ate women but he would fight them. I decided to do some research and found to see if my thoughts were true. Plus I was getting annoyed with how many people would complain in comments in stories that akaza wouldn't fight a girl on female-reader books (also don't assume this means I'm definitely a girl, even if you ask I will not confirm nor deny since I plan on keeping my gender to myself so I don't have people complain that I shouldn't be reading a book because the reader insert is the opposite gender- sorry for the rant) anywayon Google: "Chances are, he'd probably flee, or break their sword and knock them out, but not kill them, since he has a specific rule against killing them"
          So he would still fight women just wouldn't kill them, never once mentioning that he wouldn't attack or hurt them. So I honestly have no clear where everyone got the idea that akaza would never fight with a women. 
          If the women was just some bystander than yes, I can understand he wouldn't try attacking/hurt them. Just flee but if it was a demon slayer then he'd obviously attack.
          Women or man, if they are demon slayer he will attack. He just won't kill the girl but he has no problem killing the boy.


Ignore the fact that it says clear and not clue, I didn't realize I put a different word


Hello, and many thanks for including 
          【Lucifer’s ᴸᵒʸᵃˡ ᴾᵉᵗ】  
          on your reading list; it undoubtedly enlivens my day.


I sincerely hope you will enjoy the fic and find it to be valuable.


A few hours ago, I almost had a heart attack from a spider. I was just watching YouTube while procrastinating about wanting to write, I felt that spider b*tch and when I looked. I see that motherf*cker, at first I didn't freak out since I didn't realize it was a spider.
          The moment I realized it was, I literally jumped out of my seat and shaking my clothes in case the spider somehow held on after I slapped it a couple of times. I have no idea where it came from, it just popped out of nowhere.
          Might've been the same spider from the ceiling, I had tried squishing it but I believe I missed or just tap it or something since that thing ended up falling on me and I didn't see where it went since it blended in with the floor.
          I just hate spiders and I don't understand why all the spiders like my room so much! It's super rare for a spider to be in a different room, and even if there are they are tiny little sh*ts while I get the big ones. It's unfair 


Anyone know any assassination classroom x spinel reader books? I've had this one book which was that, though it was more of a karma x spinel reader but I can't find it. I'm not sure if it's been deleted or unpublished I'm hoping that I possibly didn't save it or something.
          And that is why I'm posting this, I'm wondering if anyone knows any of those types of books I mentioned or even an author who has wrote one before
          I really am wanting to find the book cause I am loosing my mind thinking that I didn't save it or something