
I know like two months ago I said I was going to update things but then I saw about wattpad's new deal thing and I am not okay with it. I'm going to be removing all my stories from this site. They all will remain on my AO3 and on my tumblrs (If you want to know those just ask, fics are on different side blogs). 
          	Wattpad has just become sketchy and money hungry and I don't want my stories up for grabs or able to make them money even if they're only fanfics. Sorry to anyone who doesn't use AO3 or tumblr but those are the only places I upload my works to. (There's a ton of stuff I never even put on this site.)
          	TL;DR: I'm delete my stuff and never using Wattpad again. All my works are still on my AO3 (Same name but you need to have an account to see them) and on my multiple tumblr blogs (Just ask if interested)


I know like two months ago I said I was going to update things but then I saw about wattpad's new deal thing and I am not okay with it. I'm going to be removing all my stories from this site. They all will remain on my AO3 and on my tumblrs (If you want to know those just ask, fics are on different side blogs). 
          Wattpad has just become sketchy and money hungry and I don't want my stories up for grabs or able to make them money even if they're only fanfics. Sorry to anyone who doesn't use AO3 or tumblr but those are the only places I upload my works to. (There's a ton of stuff I never even put on this site.)
          TL;DR: I'm delete my stuff and never using Wattpad again. All my works are still on my AO3 (Same name but you need to have an account to see them) and on my multiple tumblr blogs (Just ask if interested)


I know I don't really use wattpad anymore (I haven't touched it for over a year now), but I also know that there are still people reading fics of mine/people who would maybe enjoy newer fics of mine I've posted other places since I stopped using watttpad. So.... I'm gonna work on updating my stuff. I have a few new things (some complete some not) and this gives me the excuse of making Covers for my works again and getting back into revising older things of mine.


I noticed that your works tend to be song references, and some of those songs come from specific anime that I am familiar with. More noticeable was your choice for your tale of Bellatrix the Red. It’s title is a pull on lines from “Red like Roses” from RWBY. Do you have any RWBY fits? Maybe a few crossovers into that fiction?


@Kelsey8th I haven't written anything for RWBY but I do love the show and the company that made it. Mostly I love Achievement Hunter. 


          So I was copy and pasting everything when I noticed that when the works were in bulleted format they didn't actually stay that way so every "chapter" that WAS supposed to be bulleted is just a HUGE paragraph of sentences meant to be bulleted. So If you come across one like that know it's not meant to look like it does right now and I need to fix it T_T
          And after spending over an hour doing the original copy and pasting I am way to demotivated to go through and fix/find where to fix everything.


ugh forgot to mention I was talking about my RDR2 Headcanon books


So I'm going through my stuff on here (making a new "post" for the update log "book") and I never realized how many of my stories AREN'T on wattpad. I have 89 works on AO3 but 45 on Wattpad. So when I finally finish the new update log post there's gonna be a lot of stories I need to add to Wattpad.