
It's Tuesday, meaning new update! I'm pretty happy about this one!


Hello, everyone! I deeply apologize for disappearing for a couple of weeks. Life got hectic for a second. The place I work at is located by a field, and some people set it on fire, then a couple of days later, they broke into my workplace (thankfully, no one was there, so no one was hurt), then my sister and I (we work together) got into a little battle with our supervisor. Sorry everyone, but we became snitches. But you know our supervisor was in the wrong because our manager and assistant manager agreed with us. Plus, my sister is also an assistant manager, and I am a shift lead. Well, anyways, no one was fired, but our supervisor did get in trouble. Trust me, she is a terrible boss, no one likes her. But anyways, now that everything has settled down, I will be returning to my weekly updates on Tuesdays! I'm so excited! Thank you to all who have patiently waited and reached out to see if I was okay. I apologize that I am barely responding, but please know I appreciate you.
          With love, CW


@Creative_Writer407  well what you and your sister did was totally correct. And hey! the situation seems really bad so ensure your safety.


@Creative_Writer407 hey don't worry about it sometimes LIFE HAPPENS! No worries!


Hello everyone! I've been silent since finishing my two books (which have had so much support from you guys), but I'm excited to announce I'll be releasing another book I've been working on for YEARS! I'm honestly really excited about this book and hope you guys enjoy it as much as I am while writing it. I will have weekly updates every Tuesday. That being said, I would like to introduce you guys to my book: The Death of Jackson Harris


@Creative_Writer407 Hell yesssss! I'm so ready! Time to binge read another one of your books  


@Creative_Writer407 OMGGG I wasn't active in watt after your book no more wasting time was completed cus there wasn't anything that really caught my intrest but now when I logged in and got your notifications I was like BOOYAH MAN!! Thankss alot for posting author <33


This update is a bit longer than the rest, hope you enjoy! 


@Creative_Writer407  enjoy it... no I love it 


@HitThatBEAT Thank you so much for reading them. It truly means so much ❤️