
Anyways, I’ll say it here since, as I’ve mentioned, this account gets more reach. Even though I highly doubt this new book and its routes are going to go anywhere in terms of reads or even relevancy, since I got into the hetero furry book market at a pretty much terrible time, I still want y’all’s opinions. Patsy, Vivian, Margot, and Gabby’s first chapters are already close to being done, but I was gonna release six routes at the same time. This won’t be the norm, since after this I’ll just update and drop new routes as I see fit, but there are two slots left. Before I start making decisions, is there anyone you want to see be posted first? 


Anyways, I’ll say it here since, as I’ve mentioned, this account gets more reach. Even though I highly doubt this new book and its routes are going to go anywhere in terms of reads or even relevancy, since I got into the hetero furry book market at a pretty much terrible time, I still want y’all’s opinions. Patsy, Vivian, Margot, and Gabby’s first chapters are already close to being done, but I was gonna release six routes at the same time. This won’t be the norm, since after this I’ll just update and drop new routes as I see fit, but there are two slots left. Before I start making decisions, is there anyone you want to see be posted first? 


Decided I’d cast a vote here, since this account has more reach, but what season should the Lonely Hearts series take place in? 
          Or Fall? 


Gosh I don’t know…. I like 3 out of the 4 season…. I think Autumn because I am all about spooky season 


Hey!! Just a quick question will " The Christmas party clash "ever come back? Was there a specific reason why it's discontinued now?


Nah, sorry, most of the books here are being continued, mainly because I’m working on other things and have no motivation for them. Christmas Party Clash has like a 2% chance of coming back at some point, but it’s no time soon. 


I’m probably gonna post the character sheets for this new project later on my other account, mainly because getting all the info on them is taking a long time. Artists are sometimes hard to find, and tracking them down is a bit difficult sometimes since they move accounts/change handles. That, along with more girls being added and getting THEIR info down would also take a good bit. Just know that the sheets will still be being edited by the time I post them, so refrain from asking about artist credits and things like that, they will come around of course, but sometimes getting their exact handle and stuff like that will take me a bit to search up. 
          Be ready for some hetero CrabRangoonie y’all lol 



(Cross posted from my new account, since I know more people are likely to see it here) 
          So, I want to use Bernie from "Laughing Gas" for something different. I don't like how I made his character, and l'd like to sort of redeem him in a way. Because of this, I may take Laughing Gas down so I can put Bernie in this possible new thing (likely during a small break when the first Dating Scene books are finished). I won't take it down now, and I still won't for a while, so if you'd like to go and screenshot it or save it somewhere, you're free to do so.


@dhodzGR923 yup, basically. But, that’s still probably a long while from now, so there’s still ample time to save it and stuff like that. 


@CrabRangoonie So that means, that "Laughing Gas" would be deleted after the "likely during a small break when the first Dating Scene books are finished", part?


thanks for adding my story your reading list ^w^ love ur stories btw!!


@thundersbf Your writing is really great, and I love the book so far! Thanks for your support as well! 