
Ok, i lied. Part 3 was up on Sunday. I was thinking it maybe needed it more work and writing but I was wrong . I'm currently working on part 4 which will hopefully be uploaded by Saturday or Sunday. I'm not making promises, but I'm gonna try. 
          	Writer, out ! ✌️


Ok, i lied. Part 3 was up on Sunday. I was thinking it maybe needed it more work and writing but I was wrong . I'm currently working on part 4 which will hopefully be uploaded by Saturday or Sunday. I'm not making promises, but I'm gonna try. 
          Writer, out ! ✌️


Hey guys. I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. I stayed at school until 5:30 and I had to eat, and study for a test today, and do all sorts of things. I think i'll be finishing up chapter 3 today and I'll post tonight. I've also been reading like crazy because I have a book report due Friday and i'm barley starting my book. So I'll try and post, I promise.


Hey guys ! SOOOO I've been very ghostly for the past 8 days but I've been writing my ass off (not)! I have serious writer's block. I'm not even joking. I wrote like half the chapter, and then couldn't write the next sentence. I even wrote various forms of the sentence to see which one was better. It is that bad. Anyways, I'll try my best to update by tomorrow night, THANK YOUUUUU


Hey guys! I just really want to say that I'm really proud of myself for finally publishing my book . i am currently trying to figure out how to start the next chapter which will hopefully be up by (i'm hoping) Thursday or Tuesday . Anyways, go check it out on my page, it's called Killing Time and go check out my Apologies & Rants book because I'll be updating in like a couple mins on more details on how i'm going to update and all that stuff. THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU'VE READ MY BOOKS AND ACTUALLY WANT MORE .