
Hey everyone,
          	I'm still waiting for my daughter to arrive as her due date was delayed by 4 days.
          	I wanted to let you know that I have to put the legend of the Phoenix miraculous on hold for now. I will continue with my books as soon as I have some free time.
          	I hope you all understand. Please keep liking, sharing, and commenting on my books. Also, send me your ideas for future chapters for season 4 of Legend of the Phoenix Miraculous.
          	Love you guys xoxoxo 


@CourtneyStoker96 Congratulations and Have a safe birth. Don't stress yourself and get plenty of rest with your daughter.


@CourtneyStoker96 Congratulations on having a daughter. I hope when she arrives, she will be the most healthy baby girl and you'll be a great mother to your child. Please give her the happiness moment ever. As for the book, it's okay since you'll have to spent time with your daughter. Take good care of her as a mother.


Hey everyone,
          I'm still waiting for my daughter to arrive as her due date was delayed by 4 days.
          I wanted to let you know that I have to put the legend of the Phoenix miraculous on hold for now. I will continue with my books as soon as I have some free time.
          I hope you all understand. Please keep liking, sharing, and commenting on my books. Also, send me your ideas for future chapters for season 4 of Legend of the Phoenix Miraculous.
          Love you guys xoxoxo 


@CourtneyStoker96 Congratulations and Have a safe birth. Don't stress yourself and get plenty of rest with your daughter.


@CourtneyStoker96 Congratulations on having a daughter. I hope when she arrives, she will be the most healthy baby girl and you'll be a great mother to your child. Please give her the happiness moment ever. As for the book, it's okay since you'll have to spent time with your daughter. Take good care of her as a mother.


Hello everyone,
          As you may already know, I am currently updating my book at a slower pace due to my pregnancy. I am expecting a daughter soon and need to take it easy. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for the classroom scene in Gabriel Agreste. In this scene, Scarlet needs a break from her screaming fans and becomes a waitress at Gabriel's event. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
          Thank you!


@CourtneyStoker96 Also, congratulations! Please take your time to relax and rest❤️ Hope both you and your daughter are healthy :D


@CourtneyStoker96 Scaret gets suspicious as to why Felix is following Gabriel. Scarlet follows then follows him to understand what Felix's intentions were.


@CourtneyStoker96 Congratulations on the baby on the way!


Hiya guys, does anyone have some idea for the Gabriel Agreste episode? Please comment on your thoughts and ideas xx cheers 


@CourtneyStoker96 Scarlet will end up seeing Felix running out of Gabriel's room and will be confused as well as skeptical


@CourtneyStoker96 I know the idea may be worse but I always wanted to see Felix as the antagonist side


Hey there. I wanna say that I'm also working on a fic series. It's called Miraculous Prizmaltorch. My OC won't have a miraculous but he'll have powers similar to it. Here's a link to my profile so you can read the series as well as the trailers and the other fics I've made. Even the sneak peeks of Miraculous Prizmaltorch. Please share the books with other people