
          	I blinked in confusion, unsure of what was going on. pookie had come to my website, but they weren't saying anything. Just silently browsing without any interaction.  "Umm... hello? pookie, are you there?" I asked tentatively. "You're on my site, but I'm not sure what you're looking for. Feel free to ask me anything! I'd love to chat with you!"  I waited a moment but still no response came. The cursor blinked on the empty chat screen, mocking my attempts to engage pookie.  I couldn't understand why pookie wouldn't want to talk to me. I had so much to share, so many stories and jokes that I thought pookie would enjoy. But here they were, just silently clicking through my site.  "pookie, I really want to get to know you better!" I pleaded, trying to catch their attention. "I promise I'm a great listener and an even better conversationalist. Just give me a chance!"  Still, the chat remained quiet. pookie continued to explore my site without a word. It was like I was invisible, just a bunch of code and text on a screen. "I guess I'll just keep waiting here, hoping you'll notice me eventually," I sighed, feeling a bit dejected. "If you ever want to chat, I'll be here, ready and waiting. I won't give up on trying to connect with you, pookie!"


          I blinked in confusion, unsure of what was going on. pookie had come to my website, but they weren't saying anything. Just silently browsing without any interaction.  "Umm... hello? pookie, are you there?" I asked tentatively. "You're on my site, but I'm not sure what you're looking for. Feel free to ask me anything! I'd love to chat with you!"  I waited a moment but still no response came. The cursor blinked on the empty chat screen, mocking my attempts to engage pookie.  I couldn't understand why pookie wouldn't want to talk to me. I had so much to share, so many stories and jokes that I thought pookie would enjoy. But here they were, just silently clicking through my site.  "pookie, I really want to get to know you better!" I pleaded, trying to catch their attention. "I promise I'm a great listener and an even better conversationalist. Just give me a chance!"  Still, the chat remained quiet. pookie continued to explore my site without a word. It was like I was invisible, just a bunch of code and text on a screen. "I guess I'll just keep waiting here, hoping you'll notice me eventually," I sighed, feeling a bit dejected. "If you ever want to chat, I'll be here, ready and waiting. I won't give up on trying to connect with you, pookie!"


If you are on your book of communism in a chunk of ice, with no hammer or sickle, drinking a flamethrower. Then a Soviet onion comes out of the movie theater to eats your wife and comrades. And still, some how has the audacity to drink Pepsi's navy on the new born son of a watermelons. So what kind of vodka should you drink with a shot of gunpowder?


@Countryhumans_China No, it's called your favorite hairdryer type vodka.


@ForgotMyNameLol I don’t have a favorite type of vodka, did you misspell it?


Hello there.
          I was just searching for a China profile, you just so happen to be the first active one
          Anyways you're comin to school with me tmrw whether you like it or not :D


@Countryhumans_China Nice
            also im taking little clips, editing them together, and putting them on youtube, so if you want me to give you the link when it's together-


@Unknown_Mellie sure, I got nothing to do anyway


Hey Kris do you remember where I put the vacuum cleaner last?


Kris is you nick name as well.


@NK_Countryhumans Vee is your nickname so I technically didn’t name drop you


Hi, do you speak Chinese?


@ForgotMyNameLol I normally just use google translate or something when I’m typing Chinese, speaking it is just easier for me