
Quick question for my RWBY-watching chaps. How would a 25mm fair with a Death Stalker? Say, hitting it from its most protected part?


@7713a7 Figured. I mean, had to do some research. HE might not blast it but a lot of APFSDS from either a Bradley or any tank should do the job.


This is late but: Might crack it, like a hammer to glass after a few 20 shots? The bone, cannonicaly, was superior in strength, so it might take a few more rounds to shatter it. Using the glass as a example, it might be a dent too.


@CorpsmanHalo Ooo, That would most likely be the following: The explosive shell hots the bone and ignites: Then the AP hits the weakened bone.


Quick question for my RWBY-watching chaps. How would a 25mm fair with a Death Stalker? Say, hitting it from its most protected part?


@7713a7 Figured. I mean, had to do some research. HE might not blast it but a lot of APFSDS from either a Bradley or any tank should do the job.


This is late but: Might crack it, like a hammer to glass after a few 20 shots? The bone, cannonicaly, was superior in strength, so it might take a few more rounds to shatter it. Using the glass as a example, it might be a dent too.


@CorpsmanHalo Ooo, That would most likely be the following: The explosive shell hots the bone and ignites: Then the AP hits the weakened bone.


Do you guys want me to rewrite the previous chapters of my RWBY x BF 2042 fanfic? I just realized how bad it is and it's bothering me for some reason.


@7713a7 What did I even say


Personally, I do not find any problem with it, as it also is a symbol of your improvement over time. Take heed to these words.


Hey Halo, just wanted to say that Chapter 5 of the RvB & GATE crossover… WAS AN ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE!!! Excellent work as always, you never fail to deliver!


What matters most is that you gave it your all, that’s what puts a smile on my face.


@ChamorroDude Ah, thanks mate, I tried my best of course, but I do the best I can. I'm just glad you enjoyed it.


Question. What type of dialogue do you like better?
          The usual
          Author: "Hello!"
          Or the 
          "Hello! said the author.
          Which one?


I personally would rather have you do whatever one is easier to write, so its not that big of a pain


@CorpsmanHalo I personally prefer the second one


@CorpsmanHalo That would also work though the choice is up to you Halo


I got a question, if our three lads had a team name RWBY style, what would it be? Just wondering since I want some ideas.


The lad needs to work on not getting jumped, along with every other field medic in these situations in existance.


this message may be offensive
Yeah, I'm planning to get him some updated gear soon. Got any suggestions on what he should wear?
            Teaser: He gets fucking jumped and they have to give him something new.


I would think that the medic would be like a more slimmer, so it would be like a camo-green pants, shirt, and vest with supplies in it?


If your looking for ideas regarding future chapters for the RvB & Gate Crossover Fanfic you could look at this other fanfic from the author @White_Tiger_1987 and get some ideas & inspiration, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind though you could double check with him and ask for permission just to be safe


@ChamorroDudeXD Ah damn, thanks chap. I was afraid I was the only one out there doing this.


Hey Halo hope things are going well for you I just wanted to say that the RvB & Gate Crossover Fanfic you’ve made is AN ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE everything from the characters, plot, humor & etc is spot on and well written. You don’t know how long I’ve been trying to look for this specific crossover and I’ve been blessed with yours sure it may have only a few hundred views but like that matters, it’s not the number of views that make a good story it how much effort that the author puts into it that does (basically quality over quantity). With that being said keep up the good work, I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter and take all the time you need I know education can be a pain in the @$$, with that being said take care!
          (P.S. you gained a follower)


Glad to hear and take all time you need, I’ll be waiting patiently


@ChamorroDudeXD Thanks alot mate, really, I mean it. I'll try to stay consistent with my chapters and their quality. Hell, you can check out my other story if you get bored. Also, thank you for please the algorithm overlords with your time and.comments mate. It means a lot.


OK, I got an idea. 
          So recently, I've been having writers block and low motivation to write stories. So I have thought of an idea to get rid of it...
          A crackfic.
          Yep, that's my bloody idea. Just a crackfic to let out some stress.
          I already have an idea for it, where a bunch of gamers and other famous gaming YouTubers have fun with the local population. But I can't seem to figure out which genre to pick, so I'll let you guys decide. It can be anything, just as long as it's action-based like Star Wars or GATE and the players can have fun while causing chaos.
          I'll wait for a week for your suggestions and pick which one seems the best.


I sadly report that I will be holding all of my fics for the time being. With my first year of high school starting, I will have to figure out a new schedule. But for now, all fics will be on hold until further notice. I do apologize and I hope you all find stories to entertain yourselves. Have a good day and thank you for reading my stories.


@CorpsmanHalo I understand, take your time when you are ready.