
this message may be offensive
I actually really like the update. Maybe I'm like that one weirdo who never looks at conversation board posts but now that it's just in my notifications I can see it there. It's lit, I love it, Whoever came up with this idea is amazing. The only downside is that it's giving me flashbacks to when everyone lost their absolute shit about a snapchat update.


this message may be offensive
I actually really like the update. Maybe I'm like that one weirdo who never looks at conversation board posts but now that it's just in my notifications I can see it there. It's lit, I love it, Whoever came up with this idea is amazing. The only downside is that it's giving me flashbacks to when everyone lost their absolute shit about a snapchat update.


Omg! I was acting like such a little Don't Stop Acoustic (5sos reference) today in Science because I had no patience to be working with 4 retarded boys (one happens to be my boyfriend) who wouldn't shut up about their "ForTnITe mObiLe" and 2 other girls who don't know how to do their work. One of them almost told out science teacher who I was dating! For the almost the whole period I felt so hot like I thought I was gonna pass out and scare the shite out of my group. But then I got home and took a nap because I felt like absolute crap and now I'm ranting on wattpad 'cause why not!


Yo Guys! Life check up! 5 Seconds of Summer has released there new single. I love it! I found out a couple days ago my crush likes me and we talk all the time. We're kind of a thing, or I don't know. We don't have a label. Oh and I got a new Chromebook! It's amazing and wonderful. I'm already fast at typing but I'm gonna get so much better. Life's good right now. Have a nice night Loves!
          And remember, you're loved and one of a kind! ~ Avacado