
Since I didnt do my two day update, gave you guys a double chapter. Hope you enjoy it.


Is there any chance you will be updating hiatus anytime soon??


Ok thank you!! Just wondering!


@lilyannatoman5 Good question, probably not i havent looked at any of my stories and i still never made the map. Will try and think about where im going with the story


College has been good, a bit hard here and there but Im enjoying it. I hope that one day I end up continuing my stories, will try and remember to rewatch the shows since I kinda got out of it (idk how to word this). If I do rewatch and I cant see myself writing I will do a summary chapter but I do want to try to continue when watch them again and I hope im able to and dont just leave them alone. I do have half a chapter from a few months ago for the tvd story but I never finished and lost alot of what I were I was trying to go.
          -Goodluck with everything and have a good week


So I started college a while ago so stories arent being updated and also because I keep forgetting I made them so ya. I hope I remember to write even though I have alot of time on my hands to do it, I havent really been thinking about it and dont know where to go with my stories. I did put some stories on ao3 under the name FlameSpirit54 and continued a one shot I had made.