
The first chapter of ADDICT is finally out, and I'm hoping to finish editing the second chapter sometime today!


I have a ten-chapter short story about Aiden from The Halls of Westwood planned out. Is there anyone that would be interested in reading it? 


          I am unsure what drives you to write, I’m constantly inspired by myths and legends and I think (based on the books you’ve written) you would really love ‘The song of Achilles’ I think Achilles and Patroclus remind me of Beau and Lucas. Maybe I’m crazy, but you are honestly one of the most talented authors I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across. You write such diverse characters who each have their own vastly different challenges. I hope you never loose your spark or drive for writing. 


@Sleepy_Samm Thank you, that's so sweet I'm all teary-eyed I own the song of Achilles and it's next on my tbr after I finish Ziggy Stardust and Me (a highly underrated book that you would probably like if you like angst). I really appreciate you going out of your way, that's definitely what keeps the spark going since I'm currently working on publishing so thank you :) 


If I ever officially edited and published any of The Halls of Westwood books would you be interested? 


Yes please I definitely would 


Hi! I just finished the Westwood Series and was wondering if you would ever make a book featuring Isaiah, Maze’s brother?
          Also, thanks for the reply. I was able to figure it out. Love the mention of Jayce and Markos :)


Maybe, idk just thought his story was interesting. I saw EA for girls and I can’t wait to read it but I tend to only read books that are completed so I don’t go through the torture of a cliffhanger. Who knows, though. Thanks for answering!


However, if you did enjoy the series I am currently writing another book in the series featuring Eastwood Asylum for girls and Sage :)


@theb3stofthebest I've actually never thought much about it. I don't see myself writing about Isaiah in the future but I always end up doing small Easter Eggs in my stories so maybe someday he'll show up like that. 


The Halls of Westwood: New Sequel 
          Many of you probably do not remember me as I've been offline for a couple of years and just wrote a couple other queer stories that got mixed in with the rest you probably read. 
          Well, I am the writer of The Halls of Westwood, Pride, Things Only Go Downhill, and The Burning Barn. 
          I am probably most well known for The Halls of Westwood and have decided to do what people asked me about when it was first released. The Halls of Westwood and Things Only Go Downhill will be adding a third book to the series from the other Asylum briefly mentioned in the first book, Eastwood Asylum for Girls. 
          This story will feature Sage as well as a cousin of a tolerated character in my story, Pride and four other original characters. I am publishing the introduction and Playlists tonight and soon the chapters will start being released!
          I really hope you read <3