
   Hello! I'm a new writer and cover/aesthetic maker to this account! I will be doing my best to use my skills to collaborate with others so that we can make Glacierclan an amazing environment! Make sure, if you haven't already, smash down that follow button for warrior and WoF overload! Thanks for accepting me!
          	~@rooftops- // Sky


I might join!


            Thank you! I'll take a look at it!


 If you want to, just look at our book 'We are accepting!' We are open for new members, and it'll tell you which ranks are open. Hope you join!


   Hello! I'm a new writer and cover/aesthetic maker to this account! I will be doing my best to use my skills to collaborate with others so that we can make Glacierclan an amazing environment! Make sure, if you haven't already, smash down that follow button for warrior and WoF overload! Thanks for accepting me!
          ~@rooftops- // Sky