
I'm confessing to the guy I like today. Wish me luck! I'm so nervous 


@Ciphergirl10 I HOPE YOU DID GOOD :]]]


Heyyyyyy!!! Just wanted to sya how much I appreciate you!!! <33


@Ciphergirl10 Ayy, I'm glad I make a difference to you! Yk I'm always here if you're down or if you just want to say hi, I'm available :)


@cmishou74 thank you! You also help me more than I could ever ask for when I'm at my lowest, so you don't know how much you mean. 


JUST FINISHED READING THE Last BOOK IN A GOOD GIRLS GUIDE TO MURDER!!!!! literally the best book series I've ever read in my entire life. My heart was thrown around during this series, but the ending was just ........... AMAZING!!! I need MOOORRRREEEE


@Ciphergirl10 and yes, I did buy all of Holly Jackson's new books 


I can't f***ing do this anymore. I hate my family. I hate my so called"friends" I'm done with everything. My mom spends half her time with the person I hate most, my dad is a drug addict, and my step father only talks to me if he needs me to do something or is going to cuss me out. Then, I'm left to take care of my baby sister who acts like a goody two shoes around everyone else, but everytime I have to take care of her she turns into a demon. I'm just lost. The only people in my life that I would feel comfortable talking to are on the other side of the country


@Ciphergirl10 Aweee hahaha thank u and no problem


@cmishou74 thanks, you really are the best 


@Ciphergirl10 I get that, I really do..and at the moment, it seems like so much to handle, but things are going to change yk? I used to hate my family, and hated the way they treated me. My sister was always the favorite and I got cussed out for telling the truth. Things will get better. Overtime, I've found some online friends who actually enjoy my company, and found real friends who understand. I guess..I'm just saying it takes time. And you just have to hang on because you can do this. As much as you say you can't, you can. You're stronger than anyone else. And hey, if u want to talk to me, vent, or just say hi, I'm around. I always have my phone close to my heart because I know the people inside it need me too. Just eat abd drink something, and lay down. Take in the moment and let time stop for a while, there's enough time to do that.. <3


So..... I have come to the realization that I'm depressed, but I don't know how to tell anyone. Any ideas on how to approach the situation? 


@Ciphergirl10 :3 glad I could help ❤️


@PiktorFace ♥️ you are the literal best 


@Ciphergirl10 yea. Everyone thinks I’m a happy go team! Type of person, because that’s what I wanted people to see me as. I suggest getting out of the house. Going on a bike ride, or if you have public transportation go to the beach or on a forest walk or to the forest! Play calming music, or up beat happy vibes! Fantasy in my personal favorite :3 Even just a simple walk around the block! Enjoy the view instead of looking at the ground, even if it’s going to mean tripping every once in a while. There’s lots of people going through what you are going through, like me. Maybe if you open up a bit, you’ll find one. You can help eachother! I found out one of my friends is non bianary too, and there name is rain. It’s not nearly as bad as mine, but we’re trying to help eachother anyway. I’m In a lot of community’s that are shunned by the public and I get a lot of hate for being me. I hate it. So going on little excursions to places that nobody’s usually at (not places like stores) helps clear my head and give me a new mindset. Currently my family is on vacation, and I’m getting very overwhelmed because they aren’t listening to my ‘no I don’t want to go there, it’s too crowded’ or ‘I don’t want to be in that picture’. So I’m sitting on our villa’s patio, escaping the chaos. Enjoy the view! It’s hard being the therapist friend, (which I am) when your more depressed and anxiety ridden then the people your trying to help. []_[] MAYBE CLIMB A TREE. I love climbing trees ❤️ anyway, I’m not a hater. I don’t hate on anything usually, unless it’s like your a zoo, then I have a problem. And you don’t seem like the mean type. Someone’s bound to realize you need help if your openish about it. You CAN do it ❤️


What do I do when I like a boy? Please. Help me 


@PiktorFace thanks! I'm so desperate. He's my first actual crush, and I'm not sure I could deal with rejection. The thing is tho, one of my best friends is his twin brother and he's starting to catch on. 


@Ciphergirl10 I guess you try and make a move! Slowly approach him, but not too sudden. Like, ease into a friendship but don’t make the fact that your crushing on him too odvious, or he’ll avoid you. Maybe you have a friend whose friends with them, and ask them to inconspicuously invite BOTH of you to hang out and keep leaving for periods of time? Anyway, don’t be crazy about it. I don’t think anyone wants to date somebody like that, and be confident as well.if your too shy or wait too long he could find somebody else, and also be ready for rejection. Don’t expect it, and bring your confidence down but you shouldn’t really expect everyone you ask out to love you back. :3 you can take my advice or not, but keep in mind I’m barely a teen and hav never had a significant other, :0 bye bye ❤️❤️


In the hospital , I'm so tired and have been here for hours. I'm having trouble breathing, along with chest pain and dizziness . They were drawing blood,and poked me at least 4 times and there were multiple doctors around trying to figure out why the blood was not coming out. They also won't let me drink anything. Whatever, how was your summer? I was back at school today and it was really stressful 


@Ciphergirl10 Hope things get better..<3


@cmishou74 thanks nobody can figure out what's wrong with me 


So I've had this idea for a while now, but haven't done it yet. I think I'm going to make a new series that are full of books that are based off of songs. So I'm gonna give you a list of songs and I want you to pick 3 songs that you would like a book with that as inspiration.
           - Dandelions
           - I love the way you lie 
           - Knees 
           - Infinity
           - Little do you know
           - Let you down 
           -  Dancing with your ghost


@Ciphergirl10 Dandelions, Little do you know and Let you down


I had an emotional breakdown today at my swim practice this morning. Im on a swim team and we have practice from 7:15 to 11 in the morning every day. This particular morning, I was very tired and in a lot of pain from an injury. During practice, we have a new kid and my best friend has been only talking to her today, yesterday, and the day before that. They both have been completely ignoring me for that time, even though I was the one who talked to her first and gave her a tour through the facility. 
             We were in the middle of a set, 6 ,four hundreds FOR TIME, which meant they were sprint and for those who don't know, a 400 is 16 laps . Which is tiring especially when we have to do 6. On about the second one, my "best friend" had started to get ahead of me and then laugh when I got a slower time than her. So after all this, plus the little kids constant telling and annoyance, I broke. I wouldn't let people see me cry out of the water, so I cried HARD while I was swimming. I kept my goggles on so that people couldn't see my red eyes. My coach noticed, tho she didn't say anything. I was almost in tears while waiting at the wall. Overall, it was a pretty bad day.
            I'm sorry that I've been shoving my problems onto you guys, but you really, because you're my only friends. 


@Ciphergirl10 I feel like you need so many hugs.. I feel so bad seeing this so late, I hope you're doing better and that that doesn't happen again! I wish I could give you the biggest hug right now..


@Ciphergirl10  dude you need a hug and I wish I could give you one. I hope things work out way better for you in the future and I'm sorry you have having a shitty couple of days. Thanks for telling us tho so we can give you support!


I don't mean to interrupt your night, and pour out all my problems like this, but I just need to talk to someone. So here we go, the reason I just snapped today:
              So since it's the fourth of July, we went to see fireworks, which I was really excited about since I haven't seen fireworks because of my sister and personal issues. 
          We got to the place that they were setting them off at and we found a spot to stay. I went over to watch the live music and met an old friend I recognized, she's in her 60s. Her and our bridge group(we walk the bridge every week together) she said that they were about to go do a walk, so I went to ask my mom. She simply ignored me and kept paying attention to my little sister. She then continues stating that, "We were going to be leaving because my sister wants to go home." (This is before any of the fireworks went off ) I was upset , but didn't overreact. My mom then continues to ask that I go buy my sister ice cream (with my money ) I was now very upset,but complied. As we left, my mother said we were stopping at Publix, so I asked for some smore supplies, she simply nodded and left. When she returned, she did not get s'mores. I was now a very unhappy person. When we got to the house, I left the car and headed towards the house not looking happy. My mom then yells at me to lose attitude and blah blah blah. So yeah, now I'm in my room writing this , but the thing is that she always puts my sister over me.
            Whatever , I guess I'm just being selfish. 


@Ciphergirl10 good I'm glad you got to do that!


@Blacksugar069 @alwaysstudying @thatsleepybookworm thanks to all your comments, my mom and I talked. And after talking, after my sister was asleep, we drove around and saw fireworks 


@Ciphergirl10 I'm sorry that happened and I hope you have a day where you get spoiled to make up for it!