
Dapat balik laptop lama. Siri Subconscious yg sudah lama terkurung, harap jumpa balik. Kena korek buku2 yg pernah diconteng-conteng jugak haih. Tetiba rasa cam nak tulis (probably just tetiba rajin)


Random but.
          Historical fiction genre with Srivijaya as timeline and place setting. Theme is literally about a tyrannical ruler
          What do you think?
          Nope, bukan buku baru. It was just a random spark dlm kepala so i felt like i wanna write it up for fun but for myself only and not for Wattpad lol.


Suicide warning.
          Random but converting your intrusive thoughts into something safer such as writings is actually something i first time done it and os actually pretty helpful in crucial time lol.
          Okay summary of the story, i got up to the highest tingkat kat asrama tingkat 10 sbb nak lepak sbb aku tgh bengang about something.
          So there's a flash of intrusive thoughts to suicide lol. Random betul kan?
          The fun thing is that i write it up the moment that happened. So basically i converted it and suppressed myself from doing it for real (which i believe I won't do it for real but intrusive thoughts is something different so aku tak akan terkejut if i would actually have done that subconsciously)
          It gave me a good story though, so i kinda like it


@missblossom_ tq, sebab benda yg buat saya bengang tu bukan benda biasa. If not, i usually won't even act that much. Dia ada melibatkan deep feelings, which i rarely experience sbb usually saya always like low empathy and low emotions macam numb. Feelings saya always conveyed through impulsive manner.


anyhow, akak hrp benda yang buat awk bengang tu tk lagi buat awk berasa sedemikian. I pray u for the best ❤️ tenang tenang okey


@cikmimpiofficial that’s scary… but yea so true. I get a lot of intrusive thoughts too and it’s so scary how a human can think such thoughts


Hi, assalamualaikum ^^
          A little update + explanation. I don't know when I'll update books or probably even officially stop because I no longer could be called a "writer" because of no inspiration, inability to construct sentences and it's hard to swallow this but i could feel the passion is dissipating.
          So if i ever update any chapter, firstly it's a low chance. Secondly I am very very very rarely online in Wattpad, barely. Thirdly I'll ignore every notifications including personal messages because i probably forgot or i just deliberately ignored them. I'll apologize over the ignorance but tbh the connection between me and Wattpad is loosening that i barely care anymore. Perhaps i might sound selfish tho, like i made friends here before and suddenly now ghosting and ignoring you guys but then again I can't help it. Emotionally this might be very offending however, when a person couldn't feel care over it, then what else could they do but to walk away? I'm sure everyone dislike fake friends, right? Some people say the human heart changes, hati manusia berbolak-balik, i guess that's what I'm facing.
          Apa-apapun, i came here in 2018 and am still here in 2024 even though barely online. It's a good and fun memory with all of you. Consider this message board as my farewell here, Cik Mimpi mengundur diri, Assalamualaikum.
          What a nice place we met and created a valuable memory. (And i should add that I'm not depressed or something, i know the way i typed sounded serious T^T but I'm too lazy to pun emoji n_n


@CikMimpiOfficial  NOOOOOO inactive. Tak apa, rehatlah. Kalau ada idea novel... bolehlah collab dengan aku kalau ada masa~


Lah, panjang benau. Ceit, habit.


I ask my friend to give me a prompt for me to write. She gave me:
          - genre: supernatural
          - protagonist: any gender
          - folklore
          So i came up with Egypt supernatural folklore but i didn't try to make a horror ghost story. It's more to a unique angst story associates with supernatural but it's really not like ghost creepy and anything, I'm not into that.
          It's incomplete story tho, it's not even have a complete intro T^T. Anyways this is the only i could comeback with. I admit, i actually lose passion on writing, which I'm very in denial right now T^T. (Story in comment)


But yeah, I'm writer block, I'm not able to complete it even if i wish to T^T


Author note: this is a very random prompt like an exercise so of course the research won't be that much specific and idk if i did my research well enough because it's really a fun prompt so basically i just pick the main things needed for the story from the research and just put them up in the story.
            1. Egypt supernatural folklore: El Naddaha, Siren of Nile
            2. Layali, a folklore Egypt song.


Author note: i was planning to make something happened to Nil so she'll ended up become the El Naddaha yg pertama, but with a little twist, this El Naddaha won't be like a normal Siren we know like evil or everything no. But i was planning like probably she's desperate or something so she done something that will ended up making her to be the Siren of Nile.


Smlm kan, Cik Mimpi experience pitam. Baru kutahu pitam tu mcm mana. Low blood pressure which nearly pitam tu Cik Mimpi tahulah tu kan yg kalau kita bangun dari baring secara mengejut tp pitam ni first experience.
          Tiba2 permandangan nampak kuning (kuning sbb lampu tandas berwarna kekuningan) tp I can't see anything but i know my mata was opened wide. And my body was very weak.
          Jalan pun mcm org buta, pegang dinding capai sana sini. Nak dijadikan cerita, miracle wey, dapat jalan balik bilik (duduk asrama bilik) takde pulak termasuk kat kawasan sidai baju which is betul2 depan tandas or tertonggeng kat tangga, bilik pulak mmg kat sebelah tangga. Tak pulak tersalah masuk bilik org pulak. Memang miracle. Because i can't hear anything nor i can see anything but yellow. Last2 kawan tolong because my strength dah mmg hilang habis kat dlm bilik so dia heret aku ke katil aku (nasib baik pintu bilik terbuka so senang aku masuk bilik aku time tgh pitam tu).


Sebab saya salah masuk nak ke arah tempat dia. Dia ckp pun saya dgr tak dgr en. Dia la tukang heret badan ke katil. Rasa nak tergelak la sbb saya tak biasa minta tolong org #anaksulungbehavior so rasa cam malu sikit.


@missblossom_ lupa nak mention kat message board, saya pun sempat jatuh kat tandas sekejap. Masa tu dah perasan ada something wrong mcm rasa mual and mata makin kabur. Memang dah get ready nak balik bilik dah nak rehat la kan. Kita pun tak tau apa tu pitam sbb tak pernah rasa. Ada la terbaring kejap kat tandas tu XD pastu tak tau miracle apa, boleh bawa diri tu sampai bilik. Mcm saya ada ckp kat atas, elok takde tertonggeng ke mana2, sampai jugak ke bilik. Kat bilik baru kudrat 0% kawan tolong baringkan kat katil pastu baru lega. Nak tergelak pun ada rasanya sbb saya nampak silly time tgh2 pitam tu


@missblossom_ i guess so. Ni pun first time kena pitam ehhh akak igt saya HAHA sorry kita lama hiatus. Tak tau akan comeback ke tak kat Wattpad, kadang2 rasa cam minat kat buku ni tinggi sbb saya muda aje dulu ni dah lama2 masuk Universiti mcm dah kurang sikit. Tp kalau ada masa saya singgah lagi baca buku akak >w<