
Hey guys, it's been a while and I wanted to share a little of what I've been working on lately. Hope you enjoy it :)
          	- Christoph


Sorry, Chris, I've never thanked you for the follow. Haven't really been a presence on Wattpad. You were on Authonomy too, before, right?


Hey, it's cool! And yes, we were friends on authonomy too. I like wattpad. I'm also on write on by kindle now. Have you checked that site out yet?


Hi Christoph, thanks for the follow! Your stories look really cool, hope to be reading more of your work soon. Have a great weekend!


Awesome, have a great weekend :D


@Holly_Gonzalez "children of war" and" perfect world " sounds right up my ally. I'm going to check them both out 


@ChristophMaximus  You bet :) If you'd like a good intro to my general science fiction work, the short story "Providence Is Demise" is a great start. If you'd like to read my first completed novel, I'd suggest "Perfect World Somewhere", which also introduces the world and one of the protagonists in my retrofuture series :) "Children of the War" is the first completed work in said series, and is a short story, also a fun and action-packed read. "Beauty In the Bones" is the current WIP in this series, and is ongoing, more of a space opera decodrama which introduces the antagonist. Hope you enjoy!


How the heck does wattpad have multiple versions of my chapter up at once? I'm noticing people are reading older versions of my story that still end with ( incomplete this is a work in progress) when I've clearly finished and edited the entire chapter. What does one have to do to be able to read the latest published version properly? This is so frustrating!


@Tegan1311 but that's so evil. dammit.