


Now that I’m doing publishing on Amazon book updates will start back ❤️


@ChrissyQueen sinsination only publishing on Amazon or wattpad to ?


Sorry guys I had to take a break due to depression….I’m publishing the ebook for Sinsation it’ll be up in 2 days. Please leave reviews 


@ChrissyQueen - Will do. I'll buy the hard copy, since you say there will be a hardcover - I like physical books that I can hold. It might take me a while to read and review, though. I am judging in multiple contests on Wattpad, I've entered _Ancilla_ in a few more (why? Because judges leave feedback, and feedback can be blurred on a back cover or front page, with the permission of the judge) and I'm reading a couple of ARCs. But I will read and review. :)


this message may be offensive
Sinsation Teaser: 
          He ropes my legs across his back. I catch my breath from his request. He has me hungry and hyperventilating. "Okay...what do you want me to text." 
          Jace nips his teeth up the side of my neck, going to my ear to say, "any scratch marks on your back?" I shift my waist at his hot breath on my earlobe. I type and send his words to the guy. He scratches his nails up my legs. I mumble and puff out air. "That feels so good." 
          "It's better on your back." My hubby carries  me to the island and lays me in the countertop, face first. He rips open the back of my robe. The phone buzzes. I place it on the counter so he can see. The guys name is Danny. 
          He texts: Not yet, baby.
          Jace glides his nails down my back. I arch it in response. It feels like spicy tickling. I groan. 
          Jace gets on the counter, mounting me. He leans to speak into my ear again, "how deep do you like it?" I type his words and send. "What he says...applies to you. Get ready."
          I breathe quickly, watching the chat bubbles load. 
          Danny: As deep as you can. 
          Oh fuck! 
          His fingers bend at the knuckles, Jace's nails dig in. I curl my toes at the pressure.


@ChrissyQueen - Sweet. BTW, do you have a URL for Book 1? (Shoot. I just realized I could have checked your profile for a link. I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON)


@Arsithebest Sinsation but it’s book 2 you’ll have to read book 1 first. And yes I have a bisexual king ;)


@ChrissyQueen oh my gosh what's the name of this book you writing I want it