
Hello everyone. It's been a minute, huh?
          	Little bit of news. The Boxer Saga has now been completely removed from Wattpad. Thank you all so much for all you interest and involvement in the story so far. I'm still writing it, but it's got to MCU-levels of complexity and it's no longer fit for this particular platform. I'm writing, rewriting, editing and generally losing my mind trying to get the whole thing to make some kind of sense (why oh why did I introduce time travel in to it!?)
          	However, I am also working on another story. No magic, no spaceships, no violence and no 300-book arc. Just a simple story about people. It's in a  very early stage at the minute, but I'm working on it. This new story WILL be posted here on Facebook. I hope you enjoy it; it's a very personal book and it's kind of painful to write, but I feel it's some of my best work.
          	I'll keep you updated.


@Chris_Burke Oh, can't wait to see the new work!


Hello everyone. It's been a minute, huh?
          Little bit of news. The Boxer Saga has now been completely removed from Wattpad. Thank you all so much for all you interest and involvement in the story so far. I'm still writing it, but it's got to MCU-levels of complexity and it's no longer fit for this particular platform. I'm writing, rewriting, editing and generally losing my mind trying to get the whole thing to make some kind of sense (why oh why did I introduce time travel in to it!?)
          However, I am also working on another story. No magic, no spaceships, no violence and no 300-book arc. Just a simple story about people. It's in a  very early stage at the minute, but I'm working on it. This new story WILL be posted here on Facebook. I hope you enjoy it; it's a very personal book and it's kind of painful to write, but I feel it's some of my best work.
          I'll keep you updated.


@Chris_Burke Oh, can't wait to see the new work!


Do f#@$[g what??? No dude you could have done what every other author has done before apps like Wattpad and just take a chance with publishing. You don't freebie on Wattpad and then just take it all away. But good luck though considering everyone here likes your books. 


@jcgriff  Be fair, I gave you guys six month's notice that I was taking them down.


Just started reading confused. ..I read the books in the order you gave but the time line is out of whack.....In reality, what is the order of the stories?


            great. ...that figures....but can you explain why the got so freaked out by the word psamanthe at the end of rain? 
            I was hoping it would be explained in baby....but it's set before then so I dint think I'll get my answer from there.
            I have to congratulate you. ...excellent writing. Can't wait to get hardcopy printed versions.


@AneelaHafeez You're reading them in the right order, but they're not chronological. Pray is the earliest so far, set when Father Honour is a child (although it does show what happens decades in to the future). Baby is next, starting shortly before the instigation of the CGS. Sand is next, set when Father Honour is all grown up, and the Rain is set about a year after Sand.
            So, chronologically; Pray, Baby, Sand, Rain.


So nothing after Pray?


 cool beans!


@jcgriff The next book instalment is called Hobo and the first chapter will be up in a month or two. It takes place on Autolycia, which is a big place. It's taking me a while to find my way around it so apologies for the delay. It'll be worth it, I promise. 


Sad news friends, 
          My laptop has given up the ghost. She was a brave little thing and fought valiantly but age just got the better off her. 
          This means, unfortunately, that I have nothing to write on at the minute. I don't know how long it's going to be before I get a replacement. 
          I'll try to keep you updated as best I can. 


Thanks man. I'll see you Saturday and you can buy me a pint in consolation. 


@Chris_Burke  having just been through a similar problem, you have my sympathy.


Hi everyone,
          Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. It's been pointed out that the dates in The Boxer Saga aren't quite matching up. I had a look in to it and you're quite right. I'm out by decades in some places.
          I've spent the last month or so compiling a galactic calendar for The Boxer, as well as ten individual calendars for each individual (inhabited) planet. It's been a surprisingly fun undertaking.
          Why am I telling you this?
          Well, Pray is currently set between 201-241PL. This is MILES off (the actual dates should be 46-86PA).
          BUT... well, the truth of the matter is that Pray needs a rewrite. I mean, a page one, cover-to-cover rewrite. There's loads of mistakes in it and loads of dead ends and waffling and bits that don't go anywhere. Of the three Boxer books so far, Pray needs the most work to become as good as I know it can be. 
          I asked myself, shall I just scrap what I've done so far and start again? And then I realised that wouldn't be fair to you guys, who have invested so much in to the book so far. It would be a pretty unkind thing to do to write nearly forty chapters of a story and just stop it because I felt insecure about it.
          So, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to finish this book. I'm going to carry on exactly as I have been, using the incorrect dates and with all the loose threads dangling. I'm going to make it as good as I possibly can (half-assing it would be just as bad as quitting) but, just so you know, I'm aware that the dates are wrong.
          Just kidding. I'm always grateful for you guys when you point out my errors. I rarely catch them myself. But, yeah, I'm aware the dates are wrong.
          In the unlikely event that anyone's read this far, you have my sincerest thanks and my never ending gratitude for sticking with me throughout this whole thing and I promise you it's all going to be worth it.