
childhood ends unprecedented. innocent thoughts, naive perspectives, and unfiltered inquiries; they float throughout my grey room while time ticks, breath halts, and i am in quiescent seeing the shiny lights on my room slowly fade away.
          	the knock on the door is audible. i walk up and find the adulthood says her greetings. she says the critical circumstances have been washed to the sea, but the bigger waves will always crash at times. i nod, and welcome her into my chilly room whilst thinking, "should i hold a festivity?"
          	the war is over.


childhood ends unprecedented. innocent thoughts, naive perspectives, and unfiltered inquiries; they float throughout my grey room while time ticks, breath halts, and i am in quiescent seeing the shiny lights on my room slowly fade away.
          the knock on the door is audible. i walk up and find the adulthood says her greetings. she says the critical circumstances have been washed to the sea, but the bigger waves will always crash at times. i nod, and welcome her into my chilly room whilst thinking, "should i hold a festivity?"
          the war is over.


Haloo, Kak Rei, ya? Aku Aryy. Terima kasih banyak sudah mampir dan memberi bintang untuk ceritaku. Bahkan, sampai ditambahkan ke reading list. Have a wonderful day! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


@aryyple my pleasure, ary! >< your story is fun and an enjoyable ride. keep up the good work! b•-•)b


Masih sama, ternyata Rei tetep jadi anak malam hahah XD


@orcheron wah, another gems that were brought to light ☆ 


@Chireila  bukan cerita baru ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ itu draft lama yg nggak kuperbaiki wkwk


@orcheron aduh ketahuan ya ...
            iya kaak, rei bangun karena enggak bisa tidur terus iseng lihat wp dan tara! bel masuk kak merma menulis cerita baru! (/○-○)/♡♡♡


bunda rei, kangen bgt gasi:(


@orcheron KAK MERMAAAAAAAAAA HUHUUUU T__T gimana kabarnya kaak? 
            ehehe cuma satu sih kak, sisanya masih tertinggal di draft ~


o ma god! Rei imutku punya anak!? berapa tahun aku meninggalkan wattpad!?


 @STARAAAAA- eh kenapa? :((( coba rehat dulu sebentar dari semua kegiatan/sosmed atau refreshing dengan hobi. sara ada kepikiran apakah akhir2 ini? dari keseharian kah? atau hal-hal kecil mengganggu?


I thought writing fanfics with specific genres such as romance/slice-of-life are quite easy than the "heavy" ones (hisfict, sci-fi, drama). But these past few weeks I've been thinking that, perhaps, I was wrong. Romance needs to be built: between the characters, how they would act around each other, what are they thought upon his/her/their partner, etc. The more I write in the genre, the more I have to place myself both of their shoes, see or view something in both POV, and many more to make me realise that it is a fun yet tiring activity.


@Chireila *I have to place myself in both of their shoes.


I've always admired you bcs your manga fanfic existed tau gakk ಥ‿ಥ
          Kek, aku dari dulu pengin nulis begituan tp belum bisa huhuu. Apalagi aku jarang nemu yg bagus2


@Chireila huhuuu iya aku masih belajar nih biar bisa nulis kayak fic jean mu itu (itu desc nya aja menurutku udah lucu!)


            i deeply thank you for your compliment. ♡ and frankly speaking, i am still learning too—especially to learn and dive more about the characters.
            kak nasaaa pasti bisa! fanfik-fanfik kak nasa bagus-bagus semua! >< dari orific sampai fanfic, that's ... wow. beyond awesome! ><


"kamu tahu enggak ini rumusnya apa?" kamu mengulurkan sekumpulan kertas beserta raut wajahmu yang amat bingung.
          sumpah, kamu lucu deh. sungguh. harusnya aku kasih lihat mukamu itu di cermin, soalnya kamu memang sedemikian lucu.
          "coba mana sini, aku lihat dulu." mau tak mau kuambil, meski kutahu bahwa aku enggak bakal jawab pertanyaanmu.
          "wah, kalau ini aku enggak tahu. aku, kan, tahunya cuma menyukai kamu."
          mukamu seakan muak dengan sikapku, ya. memang, dan aku suka hal itu.
          "ini bukan waktunya gombal, irene." aku terkekeh.
          sebab aku—kita—tahu, bahwa hanya aku yang bisa membuatmu jadi begitu dan hanya kamu yang bisa memaklumi semua kelakuanku.