
Swoot swoot! I'm working on a new amechu fic. A lot different from the one I have now, the writing is A LOT better. it'll be all great. ~Lexi


@China_get_ur_number cant wait to read it :D


Hi ya! okay so, this chapter is taking a loooonnng time. and no, not because its a long chapter. truthfully, I have been working on mostly schoolwork, and on top of that I have been writing another thing to hopefully slice off some of my writers block. so yeah, hopefully by Sunday? something like that. see ya then! ~lexi


Hi! Yes, I changed the book cover. The reason I did so was because I was getting annoyed at the old one, no not because it was a bad book cover, but because I felt bad that I was using another person's art. So I drew my own. I'm not a very good artist or anything but I felt it was unfair to use this person's art and such, so I hope you don't mind the new cover. See you next chapter then! ~Lexi