
Just posted Chapter 114. ❤️


Anyone knows the song from the trailer of S3m


@joydevavenue Still haven't heard anything. I wish they'd asked Lisa Ambjörn about that on the permanent rain press interview, but I'm losing hope we're going to hear anything about it if we haven't yet.  I'm surprised that whoever the artist is, they're fine with not being able to take credit it for it, ya know? 


Posted Chapter 113.


@AleFlux to you and me both! Really thought I'd be done before S3 came out, but here we are. :) 


Wow, it's taken me over a month!  I lost track of time, but I've finally posted Chapter 110.  Seeing the finale did change my mind about one particular detail that I had planned to write, but I think it's for the better. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be continuing the story and trying to make as much progress during this long weekend I've got coming up too.  Then I'm excited to start writing my own continuation post Season 3 as soon as possible. :)


@China4319 Ya I've also seen that theory too but in the end it's kinda more Willie leaving but he wouldn't have if he had never met Simon ig bc he wouldn't have thought ab fighting the crown. Idk tho I just rlly like writing. Tbh I kinda copy and pasted smth from a story I'm making into a narrative essay and changed it ofc but my teacher said it was palpable and compelling lol. And I just rlly like writing yk and seeing such a well written story/show just come together and affect so many people is just so interesting.


@KozeMoss Yeah, I've heard that theory and i think it holds together, that his bags represent his burden as the crown prince too. There's a video on YouTube that talks about a bunch of other foreshadowing throughout s1ep1, including the way simon and wille escape "the palace" to be together.  I can find it of you haven't seen it. This show is really well written. Why does the writer make you question becoming a writer? 


@China4319 Also, in the very first ep you can literally tell how the story going to go and how it'll end basically. Specifically in the scene where they get to Hillerska August and Willie are arguing over the bag. Erik and August are like holding each other which shows that they're a lot closer/Erik is actually a diff person than what Willie sees/thinks. And Willie finally lets go of the bag after his brother says to which kinda shows in the end Willie finally giving in and giving up the crown.


Just posted Chapter 109. Was finally able to find some time to finish now that I'm back from travelling.  Sweden was beautiful, so was France, already trying to plan my next trips.  :) 


@Makaiaiai   I need to see it in the summer too.  :) I hope you like the chapter. 


@China4319 Can't wait to read it! Glad you had fun travelling I must visit Sweden sometime :))


Hey, I'm still working through the latest chapter of my story. I do feel like changing one important thing about this story to make it more enjoyable but I'll explain after it's done. That's the main reason it's taking longer at the moment. 
          In the meantime I'm also thinking about doing a continuation to season 3 because I really don't want to leave these characters and this world alone. They're my comfort characters and Sweden in summer is my happy place right now. :)  
          I'm still thinking about going back and spending as much time there as possible and learning more Swedish. I think I just need a change from Spain. Anyone need someone who speaks,  English, French and Spanish to work for them in Stockholm? I could use a job. :) 


@China4319 Can't wait to finish this story I'm behind a few chapters and hope I'll find the time to finish it off. 
            If you did a continuation of season 3 that would be SO cool I would love to read someone's thoughts on what happens next after the ending. They're also my comfort characters so would definitely add it to my read list :)


@CheeseBiscut8 in that scene in S1 where Simon wished him a merry Christmas I remember Edvin saying he was acting as if Wille just wanted to turn back around, like he was struggling to keep walking away toward the car, and I see that with Simon as he walks away down the hill but glances back at Wille too, obviously not wanting to leave. Wille also clearly hasn't understood what Simon was trying to say with the song, that he didn't give up on them, he gave up on the royal court and there's still hope for them to be together if Wille were willing to make that change.