
this message may be offensive
Hello everyone! Before I tell you guys the big news I must first address why I've been gone for so long. You guys may think I just completely abandoned the platform and my followers.. but the truth is.. I didn't. I've wanted for so long to come back and start writing again.. but the timing was never right and things just kept getting in the way. I've been focusing so much on school and my relationship with a certain someone that I just never got the time nor the energy to start writing again. Plus, on top of all of this, I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the past year or so and I've been trying to rediscover who I am.. who I want to be recognized as.. and most importantly, what I want with my life. Most of you may not know this, but I'm going into my last year of high school next year and to be honest.. it scares the shit out of me. The responsibilities I will have and the decisions I will have to make to get where I want to be in life.. which one of you already knows exactly where that is.. is so hard to deal with.. even unbearable at times.. However, after all of the countless promises I've made to not only ya'll, but myself as well, (and the constant harassing from a certain "friend" of mine Lol) I've finally decided it's time to announce something I've wanted to do for a long time.. no more excuses..
          	I'm back bitches!


@Chilli_Texan76 wow i'm late, but whatever, welcome back btch xD, are those feathers gonna have ink to entertain those eyes??? 


          Do you what?
          True friendship is one of the rarest things ever!
          It's hard for a person to find a True friend!
          True friends are truly rare!
          And I got it!
          You're one of my Bestie Friends!
          I'm proud of you! I'm glad because of you!
          You're the reason for my smile! For my happiness!
          Because of you, I'm one of the happiest people ever!
          A very Happy Friendship day!!


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone! Before I tell you guys the big news I must first address why I've been gone for so long. You guys may think I just completely abandoned the platform and my followers.. but the truth is.. I didn't. I've wanted for so long to come back and start writing again.. but the timing was never right and things just kept getting in the way. I've been focusing so much on school and my relationship with a certain someone that I just never got the time nor the energy to start writing again. Plus, on top of all of this, I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the past year or so and I've been trying to rediscover who I am.. who I want to be recognized as.. and most importantly, what I want with my life. Most of you may not know this, but I'm going into my last year of high school next year and to be honest.. it scares the shit out of me. The responsibilities I will have and the decisions I will have to make to get where I want to be in life.. which one of you already knows exactly where that is.. is so hard to deal with.. even unbearable at times.. However, after all of the countless promises I've made to not only ya'll, but myself as well, (and the constant harassing from a certain "friend" of mine Lol) I've finally decided it's time to announce something I've wanted to do for a long time.. no more excuses..
          I'm back bitches!


@Chilli_Texan76 wow i'm late, but whatever, welcome back btch xD, are those feathers gonna have ink to entertain those eyes??? 


@Pokeshipper090 As you may already know, Chilli_Flakes and I are both using this account to write stories together. The thing is, we are both are going through some personal changes in our lives right now that involves each other. Don't worry though. We both fully intend on writing more stories and we will try to release our first story as soon as possible.