
Hey guys, so I hate to disappoint you all but I've actually had a really bad writers block for all of my stories and writing a bunch of stories at once is very hard to do (as I get confused a bunch) especially on a phone, so I will try to write what I can tonight and if I update then yay but if I cannot don't be disappointed, I will try to use a computer more and write more while using it if I can and then post when I have a few chapter built up for each story. I'm also going to be working on one story at a time so you can feel free to read my other stories while I am taking this break. Thank you for understanding :) 


Hey guys, so I hate to disappoint you all but I've actually had a really bad writers block for all of my stories and writing a bunch of stories at once is very hard to do (as I get confused a bunch) especially on a phone, so I will try to write what I can tonight and if I update then yay but if I cannot don't be disappointed, I will try to use a computer more and write more while using it if I can and then post when I have a few chapter built up for each story. I'm also going to be working on one story at a time so you can feel free to read my other stories while I am taking this break. Thank you for understanding :) 


I love your FIF fanfic!


I'm actually going to see if I can update tonight and if not then you'll probably have to wait a bit longer because I have a bit of a writers block. Feel free to DM me if you have anymore questions! @0neverlandian0


When are you going to update??? X0