
Guys, I’m back! With a new story! I’m really really sorry for being away so long. Life ;’( 
          	This Kakasaku fic is a sweet romance. I promise to get back to Pink Warrior after this one. 
          	Love, Yan <3


Hello author-san I want to know you'll going to update KakaSaku's story.I love to read pink warrior.So,can you update the story,pleaseeeeee


Well, yes. I can finally come back after such a long break.  But currently I’m working on another story which I will publish in a few days. I don’t want to abandon my stories. I’ll update it for sure but that could take long. Sorry for long wait and thank you for your time ;’) <3


Sorry for not posting updates. I’m mentally exhausted and in disconsolate state of mind due to a political crisis in our country. It’s really terrible and worst nightmare for us. As a rightful citizen, I  am actively participating in fight to restore peace and will do anything to put the country back to its previous peaceful state. This turmoil is important and if we fail, our futures will be destroyed and the same goes for next generation. We can’t let this happen. Therefore, I will stop my story for a while until my mind is calm and peaceful enough for writing. 
          If you want to know what’s happening in our country, search on twitter “SaveMyanmar” or “Military coup in Myanmar” in google. 


Hewo senpai!! I really like your works and please continue doing what you are happy and passionate about. Thank you for responding to my comments too... I hope that many ppl will see your works too ♡>\°_°\> (I'm giving u hearts now senpaiiii) :)) THANKS AGAINNNN


I’m just writing to get the ideas out of my system. But your supports really make me feel happy. I also thank you too. ❣️
            Btw, glad to know that you’re also a writer. I’ll check your work soon. It’s so great to meet a kakasaku shipper like me. ❤️


Hewo senpai!! I really like your works and please continue doing what you are happy and passionate about. Thank you for responding to my comments too... I hope that many ppl will see your works too ♡>\°_°\> (I'm giving u hearts now senpaiiii) :)) THANKS AGAINNNN