
Yay 21 followers! ☺️ Any Twenty One Pilots requests? Side note, a friend of mine was texting me earlier when I told her this and she said "What's 9+10." And I said "the number of followers on my Wattpad?" And she said "You stupid" and I fell out of my chair laughing -ThePerksOfBeingWeird 


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a while (little under two weeks) I've been at a relatives house nursing a wounded kitten back to health after her dog attacked it :( Plus I've been helping her since she's got a couple broken ribs that aren't healing eight so she's been needing help with yardwork, housework, etc but I'm home now and I'm working on chapter 4 of the Muke fanfic so you won't be in suspense much longer. Also, hitting a bit of a block with the texting fic so comment funny things you'd think the boys would say or situations you'd like to see me write also... I have a surprise fanfic coming soon involving 3 people....Louis, Zayn and a mystery guest along with a cowriter but I'm not saying who so you'll have to wait and see! Stay Fabulous -ThePerksOfBeingWeird